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Rashmi Mishra (Student)     23 April 2010

Contract Labour

Has anybody faced issues with Labour Inspector for compliances with respect to contract labour in an organisation. There are multiple issues attached with them. The first and foremost is who all come within the definition of contract labour. Can somebody through some light on it.

 2 Replies

radha krishna (vp-hr)     24 April 2010

Under Contract Labour (R&A) Act it is normal that the Inspector inspects the premises.

All persons engaged by the contractor comes under the purview of the act. however they should have working in your premises.

As principal employer your liability is to maintain Register of Contractors, Witness and Certify the wage payment every month in the contractor's wage register, ensure that the PF/ESI is deducted and remitted. Canteen,washing,restroom facilities are wither provided by contractor and as Principal Employer you allow them to use your premises.

Other than the above, you have to take care that you are not engaging contract labour in prohibited works.

Vinod kashyap (Advocate & Legal advisor)     24 April 2010

labour commissioner is the authority labour laws with all other alide laws. labour commissioner can check complaince of contract labour act, minimum wages act, payment of wages act, gratiuty act, Bonuse act, matrinity benifit act etc.

we faced inspection of ALC they issued us separate notices under diferent acts to comply with provission.s

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