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gautam jain (hr)     16 July 2012

Case registered in police station

The girls family a threating for registering a false case against me for the last 3 weeks how can i know if they have registered the case or not as of now i am residing at bihar and she is in kolkata. So that i can get the FIR no and apply for bail.

thank you all for your earlier reply.

 4 Replies

Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     16 July 2012

dear gautam ,

feel relax if she will file any complaint in police ,you will be contacted by the police to come and to file your reply .

gautam jain (hr)     16 July 2012

in case of dowry 498 etc.......u think they will contact not come in my house and this a rule or just they can spend money to get arrest me.

shonu kumar rajak (agent)     22 November 2014

This is to be informed that I have been cheated by my wife (Alka Rajak), She has broken the relationship in 2 month of marriage. The marriage was held in 5 star club on (13 Feb 2013). Alka and her family started the fight with a reason were she abuse my mother, during marriage alka’s family had given her a gold chain and that chain had broke during 1st night.

Alka had given the chain to her father for repairs were (my family or me) was not informed. One day my mother asked her about the chain she informed that the chain had broken so she has given to her father for repair, that went for a month and I was not aware of it. 2nd time when my father asked for it she informed that the owner is suffering with heart attack hence the shop is close, we were about the attend a family marriage of my uncle’s daughter, were I informed alka to asked her father to get the chain back (whether it has been repaired for not). She informed my father to call her dad for the same, her father said (tumhara biwi ok denge pahenne keliye). Marriage was over alka back to her father place for study for the exam.

 After 1 month of marriage she wanted to work (allowed) and she never came back. I went to her back with my best friend (sahajan) her family insulted us and push us away. The very next day her family had give a written in Topsia PS.

Whenever I called her she demanded something which was not possible.

1st she asked me to buy a flat.

2nd she asked me to take a house in rent.

3rd she asked me to get the properties of my dad in her name.

4th she asked me to have poison. (Which I did) in front of Mahadevi Birla girl school.

5th Before marriage she informed me that she is pregnant and she took 10k from the saving which I used to give her.

Till date I never show the document for the same, now she says that she was laying to me.

The next day when I called her she informed me (how can u be alive you should have been died by now).

On 17 November 2014 I received calls from Topsia PS (Joydeep Das) were I was informed to come down to Topsia PS, the reason (my wife has informed that she have threatened by me through Message and Phone calls.  The last time Alka received my phone was she was father met with an accident since 23rd sep 2014.

Topsia PS officer has informed me to sit together and solve the problem, but Alka is not receiving the Phone.

I cannot understand the motive for Alka and her family.

Whatever Alka has done to me is not the 1st time she has done to any boy.

Shakir hussian has been cheated by Alka Rajak the same way i have been cheated. (Except Marriage)

She used me just to get rid of Shakir hussian.

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