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aviarch   23 April 2016

Accindently dialed to x wife on whatsapp

Today While I was chatting with someone accidentally called my x, I would like to know if I will be proscuted for giving miss call to ex-wife on whatsapp, as my call would have got recorded in logs. Please help, It was not intentional, can the ex wife any case, I very scared, what can I do to save myself. By mistake it got called, though we didnt speak but still will it be considered as disturbing to her unnecssarily.


 7 Replies

HIRAL THAKKAR (ADVOCATE )     23 April 2016

Are you divorced legally??? In that event no need to worry at all.

In other case also no need to worry at all but just for harrassment she can take advantage and hence just save the screenshot of the dial log.  Mistakes can happen.



aviarch   23 April 2016

yes I got divorced legally and i also have decree of divorce from court, but before divorce, I uderwent 498a and DV and also been to jail, so during final mediation for divorce we got speak and thought about reuniting but parents from both side didnt wanted to get reunited after cases so we gave up relationship and proceeded with divorce. 

saravanan s (legal advisor)     23 April 2016

Since its just a missed call and she dint even attend you dont need to worry.

siddhartha sinha   24 April 2016

Calling anyone by mistake cannot be illegal. It has to be a recurring problem intent has to be clear.

Nothing gonna be happened...u not speak on ph with ur ex in other sense it was a missed call and for sure if she s intelligent she will forget...

Born Fighter (xxx)     10 May 2016

Pls delete her number from your phone and ur memory.

"Out of sight is out of mind" ---- 


A walk alone (-)     15 May 2016

Delete her number from your phone. Accidently dialed number is not a issue. She cant file case as the its only a miscall not a big issue. Be relax nothing will happen. Just remove this thing from your mind.

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