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Shailesh (Businessman)     03 March 2019

Wht remedies r there for sexual harassment of a govt teacher

My friend is working in as a teacher in a government school in Hapur near Ghaziabad. She is in troubled waters as she and her husband are living separately and decided to file a divorce. This problem somehow became public and rumors spread in her school.


The Chief Development Officer told her to goto her superior and discuss the problem. However, the superior tried to seduce her and s*xually harass her. There is a witness to this incident. However, besides the point that one witness is enough or not to prove this incident, what are the solutions that can be remedy for her in a government organization?


 3 Replies

TGK REDDI   04 March 2019

There're so many remedies for even capriciuos women;   no remedies whatever for even innocent men.

Gender-biased people are a thousand times as dangerous as gender-biased laws.

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     04 March 2019

You can complain in Women protection cell and at Police Station concerned under Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     05 March 2019

Move to local (or any) police station and lodge complaint/ FIR.

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