In a 498a case if the complainant is accepted summons ad not attending court...what will the court do??
If the Father in law says complainant not in home or missing ...How the court reacts?How to bring the complainant to court??
rajendra (na) 30 June 2015
In a 498a case if the complainant is accepted summons ad not attending court...what will the court do??
If the Father in law says complainant not in home or missing ...How the court reacts?How to bring the complainant to court??
saravanan s (legal advisor) 01 July 2015
first the court will issue bailable warrant and if still he doesnt appear then non bailable warrant will be isued over the accused
rajendra (na) 01 July 2015
Yes this is genral procedure...But if the complainant is still not attending court how the court will approach....
Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (rockysmith4calcutta@gmail.com)) 01 July 2015
First bailabe then non-bailable warrent will be issued by the court.
rajendra (na) 01 July 2015
in case if the complainant is missing says by FIL and MIL how long will the police search with warrant...
Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (rockysmith4calcutta@gmail.com)) 02 July 2015
Ask for exparte order.