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ash83 (.)     13 December 2023

Please share sample notice to produce documents

Please share samples forms for notice to produce documents under 

Order 11 rule 16 form 7 in appendix c

Order 12 rule 8 form 12 in appendix c

Can these notice be served to defendants  before framing of issues ? 

Request for help. Thanks 


 2 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     13 December 2023

Order 12 Rule 8 of Civil Procedure Code, 1908
Notice to produce documents.

Notice to produce documents shall be in Form No. 12 in Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may require. An affidavit of the pleader, or his clerk, or of the service of any notice to produce, and of the time when it was served, with a copy of the notice to produce, shall in all cases be sufficient evidence of the service of the notice, and of the time when it was served.”

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The order was served on respondent by the petitioner to produce the documents that are relevant or related to the case. The notice served should be in the Form No. 12 in Appendix C.

The court will admit the provided documents as an Evidence by the respondent party, if relevant. And then, the court will further proceed with cross-examination of those documents in the Civil Proceedings.
Order XI Rule 16 Notice to produce.- Notice to any party to produce any documents referred to in his pleading or affidavits shall e in Form No. 7 in Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may require.
This can be issued during pre trial or after replication is filed upon discovery of further facts by either of the party.

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ash83 (.)     13 December 2023

please share sample formats of form 7 and 12. 

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