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Why men should refuse to marry?

Page no : 9

ritu bhadana (advocate)     27 April 2009

there are certain relations which no science can esablish and that are that of a mother and son,brother and sister.so not in prespective of marriage but in normal conditions both the s*xes must live in harmony.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     28 April 2009

When I said "men and women can exist without each other", i referred to many things.

Biologically, it is proved that at the very beginning there was only one s*x. In fact the life starts in unis*xual manner. Later on, two different s*xes were devoloped, due to difference in a particular type of harmone. Nature must have created this difference for two different roles. If there is no need for two different roles, and if everybody is equal for doing same work- nature will not need two s*xes. Nothing survives if it not required in nature, including differentiation of s*xes. In fact studies have suggested that concentration of male harmone (testostorone) is incresing in females and concentration of female harmone is increasing in males. Probably nature is taking its required course of action.

The second aspect is reproduction. When i referred to science, I wanted to say that different s*xes is not required for reproduction. In fact cloning is widely used in production of fruits and vegetables which is a as*xual way reprodution. I see no reason why this will not be applied for reproduction of human being. Further, science can always develop another better way of reproduction, which does not need males or females. Thus existence without two s*xes is possible. Whether males will survive or females will survive- nature may decide with its rule of survival of the fittest.

The nest thing is relationship- except "mother-child" relationship all other relationsips are artificial created by human beings. They keep on changing with time. Mother child relationship existed when there was no marriage, and will exist even when there will be no marriage.

Well these are long term remifications of various developments which we are seeing. In the short run- Men should refuse to marry because the legal relationship of marriage is demeaning to men.

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



That is an excellent analysis of the situation. Let me give you another example. Today, 99.999% of truck and bus Drivers are men and there is no demand for equality. In a few decades, with improved technology, we would have buses and trucks driven from A/c rooms. Then, I bet, there would be demands of equality. In the recent Mumbai terror attacks, not a single feminist raised her voice against discrimination. They were all too content with 300 male Commandoes risking their lives and another 20 men dying fighting the terrorists.


I would also like to add a couple of points. In the earlier times, there were no contraceptives and women would get pregnant almost continuously. So, our ancestors were wise enough to ask women to stay indoors and allow the men to work and provide for the women. This is a very important point that is forgotten these days. Another point I want to make is that as the danger from nature decreased to low levels or to zero, and as the confort levels increased, human beings started fighting among themselves. Gender wars are a classic example. When the Mumbai terror strikes occured, no feminist thought about women's rights.

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



I agree with you on that. Infact, I have seen old men being asked to vacate their seats for young women. Reservation for women in public transport is ridiculous as women can sit anywhere but men are not supposed to sit in reserved seats. Some women may argue that s*xual harassment can happen. But then, the public buses can create a partition - one portion for men and another for women. There are also private buses where no such reservation exists and they all ply very smoothly and without any such problems. How?

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



The problem is that draconian laws are made not with good intentions but for political and business reasons. Its a Rs 4500 crore business for Lawyers, Judges, Cops, women's groups, intermediaries and women complainants. Who wants to give up such a lucrative business option? Good women continue to suffer while bad women misuse the law. The end result is that good women suffer and good men suffer too while bad women and men benefit. Our feminazis such as Renuka Chowdhary and Girija Vyas are indeed making a killing by murdering men with these laws. Unless we kick out feminism, there cannot be any good happening because feminism is an anti-male, anti-family, anti-marriage and pro-abortion movement of wicked women!


Instead of protecting good men and women alike, they are destroying good men in the name of protecting good women.

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



Some 20 years back, the forces were not allowing women inside except in the form of a nurse. So, women's groups went to court and the Supreme court ruled in favour of article 15 [Equality of opportunities] and the forces had to design a way for women. So, short service commision came into being. Now, due to gender politics, women are given permanent commission too without the same responsibilities as men. They get equal pay and rank with lesser responsibilities. Some male army officers are not happy with this. They will never admit this in public for inviting the wrath of women's groups. But there is discontent. My question to you is: If they could move the court to get women entry into the forces, why can't they move the same supreme court under the same sections or additional sections under the army act to get women ordered to stand on the border at Siachen and Thar desert? Looks like difficult and dangerous tasks are for men while women officers are to be in peace stations under the protection of male officers.

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



No govt. or political party wants harmony in society. Divide and rule is the policy to stay in power giving excuses and riding the waves of social movements. In the past, they divided the people on the basis of religion, caste and then language [Re-organisation of states]  and region. Now, they are dividing people on the basis of gender by introducing all kinds of stupid laws and appeasing women. This is a clever trick by govt. to stay in power and make money by extortion. Yes, gender harmony should prevail but with a powerful, U.N. funded anti-male revolution called feminism having taken roots in India, it is difficult because the very motive behind this movement is to destroy family system, marriage system and men. Creating gender disharmony is the reason feminists are here. Never before in the past were men and women fighting the way it is today. Gender roles were very well laid out a century ago.

ROHAN (Adm)     08 May 2009



Feminism is an intellectually bankrupt movement as it does not recognise the fundamental differences between men and women. It does not recognise the fact that diversity is the law of nature and all sorts of species with all sorts of behaviour patterns constitute and inhabit this earth. Nothing is homogenous. But feminists think otherwise and that men and women are the same. Oh, probably that women are superior to men.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     13 May 2009

I feel that the fundamental issue is gender relation- whether the relationship of "men & women" are are on the basis of equality or complimentarity. I feel it is on the basis of complimentarity & interdependence- and not equality. (Theory of masculism is being developed to give this thinking proper theoretical, ethical, pragmatic and moral basis.) This concept is historical and religious approval, where men and women were not treated equally but in an interdependant manner. I will start a new thread to explain this concept.

Well, the prolem in marriage and other areas of family law is a mere symptom of the real problem of gender roles.


ROHAN (Adm)     13 May 2009

This is very true. Feminism is an offshoot of communism and both are impractical solutions to existing problems. Feminism is even worse as it attacks the root of society with impractical ideas. Nature made women and men complimentary and not competitors. Its the feminists who deviced this intellectually bankrupt scheme of "Equality" on differently wired people. The source of today's gender war and family problems are in this so-called feminism. Can women's problems be issued by feminism? Definately not! We need a movement for men's rights and women's rights based in practicalities of life and treating both as complimentary to each other rather than as competitors.

ROHAN (Adm)     13 May 2009

But now, it is quite late to change this equality system as societies across the world have adopted it wholesale. Its now better to stick to it and make women pay the price of equality and not allow them to get away with the benefits of equality and tradition. LET WOMEN PAY THE PRICE OF EQUALITY NOW!

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     18 May 2009

Swarn has raised a very important issue- Sex. When a person follow my advice, how will this need be satisfied.

Before, answering him I waould like to say that s*xual need is universal, both in men and women. The women, able to control this need in a manner which is always beneficial to him. Probably it was deft use of manipulation of this s*xual need which started this relationship of marriage. We all know, in History how Cleopetra used this power. On a lower scale, we all see at various places, how women uses her power to control s*xual desire. Men need to learn this.

Saying that s*x is not available outside marriage is not true. If possible, read "The Game", an intresting study on turning this manupulation of s*xual need against women. Further, this may not be appropriate forum to suggest as how to satisfy s*xual needs outside marriage; every modern person knows the way.

Cheaply- well s*x inside marriage is not cheap. visit this site, www.nomarriage.com, you will find answers to various problems.

If men accept that there is no way out of s*xual desire, and they are slave to women due to s*xual desire, they should certainly get married and become slave. They are slave before marriage (of s*x), they will be slave after marriage (of women). They have nothing to loose by getting married. 


kavi (lawyer)     18 May 2009

Dear ld friends,

The era has changed now. We must unite to fight for legal rights of men, this term may be common. But think from soul and heart. Women agreed when they had been dominated for around 2000 years but  on the other part vice versa even happened where women even ruled the throne. now in less time of 30 years women merely started sign of dominance over men but men are not in the position to digest why ? Most replies say that marriage is s*x slavery for men the real fact is that only women are bought in marriage market by men.

Ok If s*x  without marriage is allowed will  the men's life will be peacful are we ready  to face the reality.

ritu bhadana (advocate)     18 May 2009

i totally agree with kavi.......though i also beleive that nobody can influence any1......mr. rajesh may have put his pt. bt wat matters is individual expereinces.....sum have sweet but sum have bitter expereinces.......so its entirely one's decision .....so all ld. men are advised from my side to follow your mind and heart and dnt be influenced by any1 as the coin has always two sides and presently v must think of the present problems rather than having a war between two genders .everybody must live in harmony. if men can stay without marriage and dey feel its a better life without marriage then go ahead people its your life and you have evry right to do wat you want as far as commitment thing is concerned real commitments exists even without marriage....now even we women are ready and happy to stay independent. we can save ourselves from the wicked society as we are capable enough to fight. so v we dont need men and as said science will anytime develop the alternatives. go ahead

ROHAN (Adm)     18 May 2009

This is where the problem is. And this is what Mr Rajesh is trying to bring to everybody's notice. A man is trapped either way. So, its time for men to unite and fight it out. We men will no longer take this lying down. So what if we have to wage a war against the system and feminists? When several leaders in the past waged a war against the mighty British, are we cowards that we cannot fight our own people? So, guys, today it is some guys who are suffering. Tomorrow, it could be you or me. Lets join save Indian family or any organisation that you wish to and fight the anti-national, anti-family agents. www.savefamily.org, www,saveindianfamily.org, www.mynation.net, www.498a.org

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