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anand nair (Mr)     09 August 2014

What to check before buying land

Respected Sirs,

I am planning to buy land in Kerala - village. It is Paddam and owner says it can be used for building house. Is this land ok for building house.

There is no built road to the land. The owner claims that there is panchayat road in front but not yet constructed.

Please tell me what documents should I ask for before buying the land.

Thanks in advance!


 4 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     09 August 2014

Contact and consult a local lawyer to check the status of land proposed to be purchased for its title documents, possession, easement right, neighbours   arrears of tax/dues etc.  You will have be very careful before finalisation of deal.

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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     09 August 2014

following attachment, attached by senior member earlier, may be helpful to you.

Attached File : 532098174 precaution to be taken while purchaging a land or peoperty.pdf downloaded: 226 times
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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     10 August 2014

An appreciating painstaking effort and exhaustive article

1 Like

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     12 August 2014

I agree with the above opinions. Besides, you may verify  the original root of the land's title through its parent document, the mortgage/lease documents, subsequent sale deeds, sale agreements, encumbrances, POA deeds,  tax paid receipts, easement rights for ingress and egress to the property and any other valuable information about the property's title or litigation etc, consult a local lawyer have a proper opinion, if not satisfied, go for a second opinion too, because it is a life time investment.

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