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Meenakshi (Consultant)     15 April 2015

Trustee run school management


Let me provide the background first:

My maternal grandfather started a school for poor children in his village under a trust of which he was the chairman and my mother was vice-chairman. He also appointed one of his acquaintance as Manager of the school who stayed in Village and supervised the daily activities in school whereas my grandfather supervised from his hometown. The school was registered in 2002 and the registration was renewed in 2012. Meanwhile in  2009, my grandfather expired. The school had been running since. Recently my mother came to know that registration is pending and there was a notice, so she has applied for renew of registration.

  Now the issue is that manager is propaganding that school registration is expired and it is closed. he stopped teachers and students from coming to school. My mother told him that he should not do so, but he is handling the matter as if he has all rights to administer the school. To add to it, it seems he is in impression that my mother has no legal right in interfering in school running which is not correct as my mother has legal documents proving she is the member of trust committee. My mother asked this fellow to leave his duties if he is not willing to work in school but he has no right to shut the school down as it was my grandfathers wish to keep it running in the village.I would like to add further that in past 10 years, the manager had been using the privilege of staying in school premises, taking additional benefits of local crops etc.

My concern is

   what is the immediate action we can take to keep the school running like including NGO's or villagers or a lawyer etc. May be more simpler ways, like putting a notice board, informing the manager of legal consequences etc.

please suggest if there are NGO's which can help. Or if you could suggest any other forum which I should contact.


Your responses would really be helpful as this is for a noble cause. I just want to let everyone know that fees for each children is just 60 Ruppes a month and there are around 50 kids. So, if we let this school run, we are helping those 50 kids very much.

















 1 Replies

darshana sawant (associate consultant)     23 April 2015

Dear Madam,


Please check whehter the manager was issued any appointment letter from the records, if so, then hold a meeting of all the trustees and pass a motion of no confidence against him giving the dtails of all the incidences.  Simultaneoulsy get the registration regularised as soon as possible.  After the resolution is passed, you can issue him a termination letter stating that he is illegally occupying the premises without authority and also illegal gain from crops which is the Trust property. Then you can take further action.

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