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Tusker man (Engineer)     13 December 2016

Should i stay in the house after filing the divorce

I have filed for divorce. My parents live in the same city. My wife is adamant not to leave the house. Can I stay with my parents leaving my house and wife in it?

 10 Replies

Sachin (N.A)     13 December 2016

If house is not in your name best obtion is to live in mens hostel.

Tusker man (Engineer)     13 December 2016

Its in my name! No cases were filed.

Zoheb Khatri (Practicing in Mumbai     14 December 2016

 DO NOT leave your house, Try to resolve matter Amicably instead filing for divorce,

Tusker man (Engineer)     14 December 2016

Who will want to leave a rare specimen. She is pulling me to police station often. She is portraying herself as the so called abhala naari. My sick parents are being ill treated. She utters somebody's name that she should have married him. I feel she doesnt know what she wants and just trying to stick around because of her parents advise and for social stigma. Marriage is unconsummated after 4 years. That cat on the wall is really troublesome than one that drinks the milk. Sessions on counseling went no where

Tusker man (Engineer)     14 December 2016

Who will want to leave a rare specimen. She is pulling me to police station often. She is portraying herself as the so called abhala naari. My sick parents are being ill treated. She utters somebody's name that she should have married him. I feel she doesnt know what she wants and just trying to stick around because of her parents advise and for social stigma. Marriage is unconsummated after 4 years. That cat on the wall is really troublesome than one that drinks the milk. Sessions on counseling went no where.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     14 December 2016

Who filed  the divorce? Husband or wife. Either way i t is not conducive when relationships are so strained.To keep up your self respect and dignity you btter stay with yopur parents.If both o fyou have some soft feelings towrds each other then you can  still save your Marriage you rmarriage i f they also change their hosile attitude or wife's hostile attitude towards her inlaws.If you appreciate this answer pleasegive me  all my profile likes.If you are educated take up some job to bolsterup your confidence And to make money AND FORGETTHIS BITTERNESS.If you appreciate this answer please give me all my profile liikes.

Sachin (N.A)     14 December 2016

Your first objective should be make her out from your house. and then never let her enter.


whatnot   14 December 2016

I she working?

If so change the locks once she leaves home.

Take absense of leave and lock he home and leave.

Make sure you put up a secuirty to guard so no one breaks into esp, wife.

Come back after 15 days. Problem solved.

She will file casses. Maintainance will follow.

But will come for negotiation.

Strike a deal. End of story.

Dragging feet for 4 years is not sign of manhood.

Off course, stigma ...blah...blah..


And guess what, same advise will hold good for wife as well.

1 Like

Tusker man (Engineer)     14 December 2016

Thank you all! Lot of practical stuff rather than all the blah blah that we try to do. Pulling in lot of the factors is just time consumption. Thanks whatnot and autohide4u and all others who replied. I could seriously feel life is not that hard :)

Harrressed Husband (Freelancer)     15 January 2017

i had similar situation. I went to other city for some official work and she left for her parents home. After I came back, I was staying with parents. She did not returned and looking at the chance I filed Divorce. Priority should be getting her out of home and when relation is not working and other person is admant to understand this then there is no GOOD way to end up things. 

Have courage and do it, telling you there may not be a fattu like me but I could do it somehow and I am in better position now with not having to live with her. 

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