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Ravi (a)     16 October 2017

School principal threatening

In order to gather evidence about my wife, i filed an RTI to the school where she was working a year and half back. unfortunaately i never recevied any response from the school and told myself that Private school wont come under RTI.

however, i have photographs of the school function which shows that my wife is part of the staff. i thought this would suffice but later when my lawyer told that photographs may be difficult to prove our contention.

based on his note, i filed an RTI again to the same school specifying all the same details include the recent CIC decions about private schools under RTI. of late, i got a reply message from the school principal and he says so and so person not working in the institution. the same was also informed in the reply to the previous RTI application. the school principal further says if this happens again, they will consider it seriously.


everybody knows she is working there on parttime basis , her own lawyer also addmitted but somehow i feel the school principal got manipulated (maybe). let me know is school principal right in saying this? 

because i didnt receve any response to the first reply, i sent the second RTI but cleverly the priniciapl claiming that he responsed to the first RTI in his response mail.

Please let me know if school guys can do any harm to me. is asking or enquiring under RTI a crime?


 2 Replies

B.N.Raja Mohamed (ADVOCATE)     16 October 2017

every thing is possible on illegal source.If it happens be prompt in informing the nearest police station .

Ravi (a)     23 October 2017

hi B.N. Raja - sorry, i am confused after reading your answer. are you saying school princiapl is right and can take action?


actually, i never received the response to the first RTI. later filed the same RTI second time to which i received a response. now he is making a statement in his response that the same was already communicaiton in the first RTI response. the point is i didnt receive any reply and cannot know if they sent any reply. i have proofs to show the girl works there..... everybody around her inclhding her lawyer is opening saying she is working in so and so school but the school priniciapl is furnishing false reply and threatening to do something legally against if i file another RTI of the same concern.

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