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Sanjeev Raj   16 January 2022

Registration of cultural committee in a housing societ registered under apartment owners association

We stay in a registered society under West Bengal Apartment Owners Association Act. We intend to register separately/parallelly our cultural society to work independently for yearly events with separate bank account. Kindly suggest the process .

 6 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     16 January 2022

Yes. You can proceed.

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 January 2022

The Society objects must be --promotion of art, fine art, charity, crafts, religion, sports (excluding games of chance), literature, culture, science, political education, philosophy or diffusion of any knowledge or any public purpose.

The bye-laws of a society shall contain provisions in respect of following matters:-

  • Minimum 7 members (general body).

  • Minimum 3 executive committee members (out of the general body).

  • Memorandum of Association(NGO Registration FORM) shall contain the name of the society;

  • the aims and objects of the society;

  • the names, and occupations of the members of the committee.

  • identity of the society which includes name and address particulars of the society;

  • activities of the society;

  • Membershipof the society i.e. eligibility, admission, withdrawal and termination

  • general body which contains the manner of meetings to be held or convened, quorum, functions and responsibilities etc.

  • office bearers and their appointment/ election/ removal/recall and their responsibilities, etc ;

  • finances which includes types of funds to be raised, appointment of auditors, liability of members for discharge of debts, etc., and

  • other matters which cover the internal matters of settlement of internal disputes, dissolution of the society, etc;

  • Society shall not be registered with the name which is against the provisions of the Emblems and Names (prevention of the improper use) Act, 1950. Within a dist rict two societies shall not have identical or similar names. Words like co-operative, land development, reserve bank, union or State, Municipal or Chartered shall not be used in the Society without the permission of the State Government.


Megha   17 January 2022


Registration of society in India is governed by the Society Registration Act, 1860.  Societies are usually formed with the purpose of promoting charitable causes including education, culture, arts, etc.  Thus there is no embargo on registration of the cultural committee under the housing society.  

Best regards,

Aryan Raj   17 January 2022

In response to your query,

Under the Societies Registration Act in India, the Society undertakes specific procedures for registration and operation. The Act was enacted to increase the legal conditions of society’s registration to promote free education, free treatment, fine arts, science to promote the poor and awareness for plentiful purposes. 

There are some essential things to consider before building a society. A minimum of 7 or more persons is required to make the formation of a society minimal. For this, individuals, companies, foreigners, and other registered societies of India can also register for society’s memorandum. Like partnership firms, societies can also be unregistered or registered. However, only the registered society will face the property unanimously or file an assembly against the society.

The state governments maintain society registration. Thus, applications for society registration should be made to the specific authority of the state where the registered office of the society is located. For society registration, the established members must first agree with society’s name and then prepare the society’s memorandum, rules, and laws.


Aryan Raj 



Dinesh Mittal   09 February 2022

Dear Sri what is the process to register cultural committee, could you pls guie



P. Venu (Advocate)     17 November 2023

Any suggestion depends upon the law under which the Society is proposed to be registered.

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