Hi All,
I wanted some advice.My parents recently lost their dda original property papers.With great effort I had the certified copies made from DDA with regards to the property papers.There might be a chance that some family member may have misused the original papers and taken money against the property from a private moneylender or relatives.
How do I check ,incase such as activity has been done?
Which legal departments should I get checked incase there is some private agreement between two parties?
Some people have advised me that the notary records should be checked and the records of the sub registerar ?How do I go about doing this and does the notary and the sub registrar office provide some proof of the documents being checked ,for example a report or receipts.
Can anyone from the public domain go and check these records without a court order.
Would a stay order be advisible in these circumstances to prevent the misuse of the property.