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Kedar Sutavani (Service)     02 August 2010

Registering death of a missing person

We already have a court order declaring the death of one of our family members who is missing since many years. Is it necessary to obtain the death certificate in this case based on the court order or the court order itself can be considered as the death certificate?

Kindly guide. thanks

 6 Replies

Mugundhan (Lawyer)     02 August 2010

court order declaring civil death is enough.

1 Like

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     02 August 2010

Yes declaration is must.

M.S.Bhalerao (advocate)     03 August 2010

The the death certificate has to include the exact date of death and place etc. The court issues the order under section 108 if Indian Evidence Act and delclars the missing person as Dead .This certifiacate is sufficient for legal purposes and making claims.

Deekshitulu.V.S.R (B.Sc, B.L)     04 September 2010

Can there be any thing greater than a court order ?

vijay (proprietor)     04 February 2011

my uncle is missing since last ten years. I have reported in police and obtained certificate from police that he is still missing. I want to obtain death certificate. how can i get it?

ch.prabhakar reddy (Officer)     02 January 2012

One person is missing for 11 years and missing case not reported/filed in police station .He availed a Gold 15 years back. How the family members can claim the gold ornaments from Bank? what is legal recourse available to the family members?

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