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Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     27 June 2012

Railway pension denied despite of cat's order

My Husband, joined Eastern Railway as an apprentice mechanic in 14th March 1966 and completed his apprenticeship successfully on 31st May 1971 - Then He was appointed as a permanent employee in Indian Railways as chargeman C on 9th June 1971. My Husband was released from Railway Service w.e.f 20th April 1981 to enable him to join his new assignment in Coal India Ltd. With Lien for a period of 2years to be retained by the eastern railway . His technical resignation was duly accepted. Later , He deposited Rs 4600 for lien towards Foreign Service contribution for the period of 20th April 1981 to 19th April 1983.He appealed for the pensionary benefits and others and did not receive any such benefit. He won the High Court case (CAT) in 16th October 2001. But Eastern Railway refused to give him pension at that time. Unfortunately my husband died on 2005.

I appeared in the pension adalat conducted by Eastern railway on 15th Dec 2011. The Pension Adalat confirmed me that my husband is eligible for pension and All the arrear will be cleared and my family pension will be started. But later, after filling up all the settlement forms - The Authority informed me that (rather offered me)only  the Gratuity and PF money will be available. They said that my husband was not eligible for pension as he rendered less than 10 years of qualifying service.

As a permanent employee (immediately completion of his 5 years of apprenticeship), my husband completed 9 Years 10 months 11 days of service (from 9th June 1971 to 20th April 1981). I would like to draw your attention on the Rule 69 (3) of Chapter VI of Railway Services (pension) Rules 1993 -  (Which is available in )
The Rule says:

"69. Amount of pension

3. In calculating the length of qualifying service fraction of a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed one half year and reckoned as qualifying service."

In the light of the above Rule 69(3) , Can it be concluded that my husband was eligible for pension..?

Further more, I would like to draw your attention about the Railway Board's letter No. F(E)III/90/PN-1/34   dated 14/12/1990  RBE No 235/1990
(Which is available on
The content of the letter is:
"Subject :- Railway Pension Rules.
Attention is invited to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 25.10.1990 as per which, a Railway servant who has completed service of 9 years 9 months and above but less than 10 years will be deemed to have completed 20 six monthly periods of qualifying service and, therefore, will become eligible for pension. The said orders become applicable to Railway servants retiring on and after the date of issue thereof.
2. A question was raised whether the above orders are also applicable to the past cases. The matter was examined in consultation with Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare and it has been clarified that past cases may also be regulated in line with the said orders dated 25.10.1990."
(Other relevant website may be :  - The Railway Board's letter issued on 25.10.1990 is available here).

My Question is: Was my husband eligible for pension? If yes, then what should I do now?

After completion of his apprenticeship period, He was immediately appointed as a permanent employee in 9th June 1971 and thus , he totally served more than 15 years to Indian railway - why the entire period should not be treated as qualifying service? Is there any rule which says that , apprenticeship period shall be treated as qualifying service if it is followed by immediately a permanent appointment?

Is there any other suggestion for me to follow up the case..?

 13 Replies

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     28 June 2012

Bring the rules you have mentioned to the notice of Pension Adalat and pursue the matter.  Otherwise if they don't accept file a Writ of Mandamus with High court.

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     28 June 2012

Whatever rules you have mentioned makes sense.  You have done good research it should click for you if you appeal in HC/SC whichever is the next appellate authority in your case.

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     29 June 2012

I really appreciate your patience and thankful to you for your suggestion.

Now, before filling the case, may I know that , can it be concluded that my husband's apprenticeship period of 5 years (Immediately before the appointment in a permanent post to Indian railway) should be treated as qalifying service and should be counted for pension?

In Railway Board's Master Circular No 54 ("Qualifying Service for Pensionary Purposes"  ; available in ),

A) it is mentioned in the rule 5.1 that

"5.Counting of period spent on training

5.1 The service as an Apprentice does not count towards qualifying service. With effect from 22.12.1983, in the case of Group C & D employees who are required to undergo departmental training relating to jobs before they are put on regular employment, the period of training shall count towards qualifying service if the training is followed immediately by an appointment. The benefit is also admissible to such of those Group C & D employees who are subsequently promoted to the gazetted posts.

[Authority: Letter Nos. (i) F(P)58 PN 1/14 dated 03.03.1960,
(ii) F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 dated 17.04.1984, 27.07.1984, 13.10.1986,
09.08.1988 (RBE 159/1988) and 14.09.1988 (RBE 202/88)]"


B) AGAIN  - it is mentioned in the rule 21 (iii) that,

"21. Some instances when periods of employment is not treated as qualifying service :
i. ....
ii. ...
iii. as an apprentice except to the extent indicated in Board's letter No. F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 dated 17.04.1984, 27.07.1984, 13.10.1986, 09.08.1988 (RBE 159/1988) and 14.09.1988 (RBE 202/88). "

Now,I did not find the Original Board's letter No F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 - but it's content is available in 110th page of the serial circulars of the railway board (2002) , which is available in  - In page no 110 , it is mentioned that :

"The case has been examined. Instructions vide Board's letter No.F(E)III-79-PN1/20 dated 17.4.1984 and
F(E)III/79/PN-1/20 dated 13.10.1986 provide that in respect of group "C" and "D" employees who are required to
undergo departmental training relating to jobs before they are put on regular employment, training period may be
treated as qualifying service for pension, if the training is followed immediately by an appointment. This benefit will be admissible to all Group "C" and "D" employees even if the officers concerned are not given the scale of pay of the post but only a nominal allowance."

C) The fact is , above rule (F(E)III-79-PN1/20) is effective from 22.12.1983, when my husband was not in the service of raiway - So here, can  I say that The cut off date is arbitrary violating Article 14 of the Constitution of India, hence the rule F(E)III-79-PN1/20 is also effective for my husband - though he was not in service in the said date 22.12.1983?

 So, with respect to the A) Rule 21(iii) in the master Circular 54  B) Boards letter No. F(E)III-79-PN1/20 and C)Article 14 of the Indian constitution, Can I appeal to the High Court for counting the Apprenticeship period of 5 years to be treated as qualifying service?

Thanks again..!


Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     29 June 2012

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     29 June 2012

I really appreciate your patience and thankful to you for your suggestion.

Now, before filling the case, may I know that , can it be concluded that my husband's apprenticeship period of 5 years (Immediately before the appointment in a permanent post to Indian railway) should be treated as qalifying service and should be counted for pension?

In Railway Board's Master Circular No 54 ("Qualifying Service for Pensionary Purposes"  ; available in ),

A) it is mentioned in the rule 5.1 that

"5.Counting of period spent on training

5.1 The service as an Apprentice does not count towards qualifying service. With effect from 22.12.1983, in the case of Group C & D employees who are required to undergo departmental training relating to jobs before they are put on regular employment, the period of training shall count towards qualifying service if the training is followed immediately by an appointment. The benefit is also admissible to such of those Group C & D employees who are subsequently promoted to the gazetted posts.

[Authority: Letter Nos. (i) F(P)58 PN 1/14 dated 03.03.1960,
(ii) F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 dated 17.04.1984, 27.07.1984, 13.10.1986,
09.08.1988 (RBE 159/1988) and 14.09.1988 (RBE 202/88)]"


B) AGAIN  - it is mentioned in the rule 21 (iii) that,

"21. Some instances when periods of employment is not treated as qualifying service :
i. ....
ii. ...
iii. as an apprentice except to the extent indicated in Board's letter No. F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 dated 17.04.1984, 27.07.1984, 13.10.1986, 09.08.1988 (RBE 159/1988) and 14.09.1988 (RBE 202/88). "

Now,I did not find the Original Board's letter No F(E)III/79/PN  1/20 - but it's content is available in 110th page of the serial circulars of the railway board (2002) , which is available in  - In page no 110 , it is mentioned that :

"The case has been examined. Instructions vide Board's letter No.F(E)III-79-PN1/20 dated 17.4.1984 and
F(E)III/79/PN-1/20 dated 13.10.1986 provide that in respect of group "C" and "D" employees who are required to
undergo departmental training relating to jobs before they are put on regular employment, training period may be
treated as qualifying service for pension, if the training is followed immediately by an appointment. This benefit will be admissible to all Group "C" and "D" employees even if the officers concerned are not given the scale of pay of the post but only a nominal allowance."

C) The fact is , above rule (F(E)III-79-PN1/20) is effective from 22.12.1983, when my husband was not in the service of raiway - So here, can  I say that The cut off date is arbitrary violating Article 14 of the Constitution of India, hence the rule F(E)III-79-PN1/20 is also effective for my husband - though he was not in service in the said date 22.12.1983?

 So, with respect to the A) Rule 21(iii) in the master Circular 54  B) Boards letter No. F(E)III-79-PN1/20 and C)Article 14 of the Indian constitution, Can I appeal to the High Court for counting the Apprenticeship period of 5 years to be treated as qualifying service?

Thanks again..!

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     29 June 2012

As a permanent employee (immediately completion of his 5 years of apprenticeship), my husband completed 9 Years 10 months 11 days of service (from 9th June 1971 to 20th April 1981). I would like to draw your attention on the Rule 69 (3) of Chapter VI of Railway Services (pension) Rules 1993 -  (Which is available in )

The Rule says:


"69. Amount of pension


3. In calculating the length of qualifying service fraction of a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed one half year and reckoned as qualifying service."


In the light of the above Rule 69(3) , Can it be concluded that my husband was eligible for pension..?


Further more, I would like to draw your attention about the Railway Board's letter No. F(E)III/90/PN-1/34   dated 14/12/1990  RBE No 235/1990 (Which is available on

The content of the letter is: "Subject :- Railway Pension Rules.


Attention is invited to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 25.10.1990 as per which, a Railway servant who has completed service of 9 years 9 months and above but less than 10 years will be deemed to have completed 20 six monthly periods of qualifying service and, therefore, will become eligible for pension. The said orders become applicable to Railway servants retiring on and after the date of issue thereof.
2. A question was raised whether the above orders are also applicable to the past cases. The matter was examined in consultation with Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare and it has been clarified that past cases may also be regulated in line with the said orders dated 25.10.1990."




These two are sufficient grounds to appeal.  You need not worry about inclusion of the 5 years apprenticeship service as qualifying service.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     30 June 2012

There is no use of further blogging. You know the rule. You approach CAT. If CAT judgement is not being implemened file CP within one year of order.

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     01 August 2012

Thanks to all of you. After collecting the gratuity money recently, I have filed a petition as per your suggestion to the Ralway board and the concerned authoity.

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     01 August 2012

By Any chance, is it possible to figure out the amount of qualifying service they have accounted for gratuity? In railway pension rule , Rul No 70(1a) sas that :

"In the case of a railway servant, who has completed five years' qualifying service and has become eligible of service gratuity or pension under Rule 69, shall, on his retirement, be granted retirement gratuity equal to one-fourth of his emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service "

In this, I only understoodthe term "qualifying service".

The amount of gratuity they have given is : Rs 8494. They didnt give any interest.

My Husband retired from Railway on April 1981 (Joined March 1966 as apprenticemechanic and then absorbed as chargeman on 1971 immediately after completion of apprentice mechanic training). At the time of retirement, his salary was as below:

Pay and Scale :  Rs 640/- Plus 10% Spl :Pay in scale Rs. 425 - 700- (Rs)

On account of his service Recently, we recieved a gratuity amount of 8494; By that, is it possible to figureout the qualifying service they have counted? If yes, ca you please let meknow the exact figure... (Sorry for poor maths)


In March 1981, he had drawn the salary of amount Rs.1124.95 as below:

basic =704 ; D.A = 190.10; A.D.A = 257.00; C.C.A = 42.5; HRA = 105.60; Total = 1298.95

Deductions: P.F=59;P.F Adv=100; LIC=5 P.Tax=100; Total Deduction = 174.00

Net Amount = 1298.95-174=1124.95

I am not sure about the A.D.A compnent (Is it additional DA..?), not sure about C.C.A also; if you know, kindly let me know please.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     01 August 2012


Bhargava S.K. (Legal Practitioner & Vice Chairman HRIDAI)     29 August 2012

Can I go through the CAT's Judgement? Pl post me on also.

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     24 September 2012

Respected All,

Based on my representation, The  Ester Railway Authority  (KPA Rly workshop) replied me on a letter 14-Sep-2012 that "Your husband tendered technically resignation from Railway w.e.f 20.04.1981 rendering less than 10 years service and he was not eligible for pensin, aspe rule. As such question of granting family pension in your favour does not arise."


1) They did not mention that as per which rule , he was not eligible for pension.

2)The high court judgement is detaild in

Can you please throw some light on this.. Is he really not eligible for pension?

In the high court judgement, his service details are mentioned in the second para. In the 3rd para , it is clearly mentioned that he was releasd from Railway on Lien ("During the period of Hen" - 'Hen' should be read as 'Lien')

Anuradha Mitra (Reired)     24 September 2012

Respected All

Based on my representation, The  Ester Railway Authority  -KPA Rly workshop  replied me on a letter 14-Sep-2012 that -Your husband tendered technically resignation from Railway w.e.f 20.04.1981 rendering less than 10 years service and he was not eligible for pensin, aspe rule. As such question of granting family pension in your favour does not arise.


1) They did not mention that as per which rule , he was not eligible for pension.

2)The high court judgement is detaild in

Can you please throw some light on this.. Is he really not eligible for pension?

In the high court judgement, his service details are mentioned in the second para. In the 3rd para , it is clearly mentioned that he was releasd from Railway on Lien (During the period of Hen - Hen should be read as Lien)

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