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B Bhattacharya   24 October 2017

Probate or succession information needed


This is the first time I am using this forum and I require some advice under Probation.

My deceased sister owned a private car which I was using. She was a widow and had no children of her own.

The car has been hypothecated by ICICI Bank Ltd and has an existing loan against it.

I want to change the name of car owner under my name.

Therefore, I request to please advise me on the process that needs to be done.

Thanking in advance.


 7 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     24 October 2017

MV Rules vary from state to state. Pl contact RTA office of your state for the procedure.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 October 2017

For loan you may discuss with lender.

It should be happy to get the payment.

If any insurance was attached with loan the lender may appropriate the insurance and blance paybale by either party (lender/borrower) may be paid.

For transfer of ownership to your name check the procedure as suggested above.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 October 2017

In title of your query you have mentioned Probate. Has our deceased sisiter left any valid WILL and has she bequeathed her car in your favor?

Guru Guide   24 October 2017

I endorse the views of Suri Sravan Kumar.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 October 2017

In title of your query you have mentioned Probate. Has our deceased sisiter left any valid WILL and has she bequeathed her car in your favor?

If yes, then if you are confident that WILL shall be acted upon by your own skills then go ahead....

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     28 October 2017

If the will is not made by you sister then you have to take succession certificate. To change name bank may ask to repay the loan if loan insurance is not taken. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 November 2017

Use the the information provided to resolve your matter.

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