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Nithya (Programmer)     10 October 2014

Power of attorney - lichfl



I took a housing loan from LIC and pre closed it two years back.

As I am residing out of india, I gave a power of attorney for my mother after lot of procedures with indian consulate.

Indian consulate provided me with only one power of attorney document.But LIC urges to submit the original power of attorney document to collect our document.

My mother need the power of attorney for all the other purpose too.It will be more tough and painful to get power of attorney for me again.

So Do we have to submit the registered original power of attorney document to each and every place ?

Can anyone please answer ?


 5 Replies

V M DAHAKE (PROPRIETOR)     10 October 2014


POA is demanded in original to make sure that it is in force. Same will be returned to you when work done. If possible, go with a zerox copy and let the concerned officer verify / certify, copy and retain with him. You should not give original POA to LIC for custody.

Nithya (Programmer)     10 October 2014

Thank you sir for the prompt reply.

Yes, my mother took both the original and xerox copy, but they said they need the original power of attorney and not the xerox copy.

As we are not willing to give the original, they denied to give our property document back.Can you please suggest how to convince the LIC Housing Finance ?

Thanks in advance


V M DAHAKE (PROPRIETOR)     10 October 2014


Escalate the matter to / Meet, higher ups. Argue, ask reasons, threaten to go to court / public etc.  Write to insurance ombudsman. Matter should get resolved, I hope.

Nithya (Programmer)     10 October 2014

Thanks a lot sir.

I will talk to higher ups and try my best to resolve this issue.



Vijay   30 August 2016

Hi There,

I am in Sydney and want to register POA to collect the documents from LICHFL. I am not able to fill the signature part especially do not understand what to fill and where to sign in below part.

Please help me if anybody does know about it.


In Witness Whereof I, ___________________________________________ have hereunto set and  

subscribed my hands at _________________________  on_____________________________.










I accept


Specimen signature of _________________________ the ________________________________

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