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Rakesh Prashasr (CEO)     03 July 2013

Please help.....wife and in laws harrasing

Dear Members,

Please help!!!!

I'am planning to go abroad after taking PR, but my wife and my in laws doesnt want me to go, and they are harrasing me to file false case against me.
 before this also they have forced me to do things on different issues, like living seperate from my family, etc.

I'am appling for PR, if case is admited then I will be able to leave the country?

or can she do any other thing that will hinder my visa process?

I have consulted 3 lawers in my contact, but their suggestions did not matched.

If someone will help me I will be very thankfull to them.




 2 Replies

prakharved (Medical officer)     04 July 2013



What kind of cases are the wife and in-laws threatening with? You would need to protect yourself against the cases accordingly. Have you tried reasoning out with them?



Rakesh Prashasr (CEO)     05 July 2013

Dear Prakharved,

They are threatening me with Dwory and harrasment case, which is totally false.

Before marriage also I had plans to settle abroad , but now they dont want me to leave the country, as after i leave they cant force things on me, which they are doing right now. (things like-doing all things according to them, obey them like a dog etc.)

Iam appling for PR visa, can they get my visa rejected on the basis of these cases?????




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