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VENKS (S)     22 April 2010

Petitioner Vs I.O



My query is:


The petitioner never went to police station to lodge a complaint against the accused, but falsely claims that she went to police station but the police did not register the case and hence filing a PCR.


The court sent the PCR to police station and ordered investigation.


The I.O knew that the petitioner never came to police station to file a complaint against the accused, and hence there is no question of police not registering the case as claimed in PCR.


The petitioner makes false allegation against the I.O in her PCR, what he is suppose to do?


Should he mention that in his investigation report?


Should he bring that to the notice of the Magistrate?


What action can be taken against the I.O who knew that the petitioner was lying the PCR and yet took their side in falsely implicating the accused?






 1 Replies

Lawyerscba (Advocate)     24 April 2010

What the IPC sections in which the case has been lodged against you? Please type the PCR so that we can judge if in fact a case is made out against you?

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