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Ravindra (Proprietor)     18 November 2012

Passport for non indian spouse of indian citizen

My son has married a Romanian Girl in Maruritius. He has received Marriage Certificate from that country.

The Indian High Commission in Hague has endorsed on his passport, name of her wife as his spouse.

My question is what procedure should be followed so that she need not have to apply for Visa to visit India.

Can she be granted Indian Passport and be nominated as successor / nominee in Bank Accounts and Real estate


R V Abhyankar

 2 Replies

Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     18 November 2012

you have to register yopur sons marriage in india also and his wife in family register and family documents record in local authorities in india,fel free to call

Ravindra (Proprietor)     20 November 2012

Respected Mr Thkurjee,

Thank you for the reply. The step suggested appears to be an initial step. What are subsequent steps.

I had discussed this case with the local registrar orf Marriages in Surat. As per his indication the spouses need to prove their residence in India for min 30 days prior to registration.

In the present case this compliance is not feasible. In fact this is the reason for registration of Marriage in Mauritius .

One of the local advocates had suggested that the two incidences in life, a birth and a marriage is registered only at the location where the incidence takes place and nowhere else.




Ravindra Abhyankar

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