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Need advice on mcd dismissed case

Page no : 2

Kunuthur Srinivasa Reddy   04 September 2017

Mental harassment is difficult to prove in a Court of Law. MCD itself means mutually agreed and consented separation for which lawyers of both the parties should work in close coordination and understanding based on the sincere desire of both the clients respectively with due respect and honour to the judicial procedures. Do not pile up number of fresh petitions as it is a headache and nuisance to handle them besides expensive to keep on feeding the lawyers on both sides.

Kunuthur Srinivasa Reddy   04 September 2017

Mental harassment is difficult to prove in a Court of Law. MCD itself means mutually agreed and consented separation for which lawyers of both the parties should work in close coordination and understanding based on the sincere desire of both the clients respectively with due respect and honour to the judicial procedures. Do not pile up number of fresh petitions as it is a headache and nuisance to handle them besides expensive to keep on feeding the lawyers on both sides.

Kunuthur Srinivasa Reddy   28 September 2017


There is no use of filing fresh petitions such as mental harassment etc since it is difficult to prove mental harassment exept physical torture and injuries duly certified by the medical officer as grave and life threatening. OK? I suggest you to fulfill the formality of time fixed by the Judge and the next day you submit the petition for MCD quoting the reasons as why your earlier petition was not accepted claimed by the Judge as premature. In Indian Courts, you need maximum tolerance and patience not to rub the lawyer, staff of Court Office and the judge on the wrong side as they can make or break justice. The office staff can tamper the documents to mar your chances of justice. I am practically a witness to the mismanagement of the Court Office. For instance, mediation report submitted by the Mediation Centre to the Family Court on 21.07.2017 though received and acknowledged by the Court Office, the hard copy is not found on my enquiry personally. If I pick up a quarrel, they further damage my documents and play mischief. So, you need to ensure that your Counsel is honest and not match fixing with the opponent lawyer for game play to frustrate you and encash yoour financial resources, time and energy. So be cautious, active and alert. In fact, you can directly speak to the Judge on the day of trial to enable Judge to grasp things faster to cause justice. If you lose patience and get frustrated, your strength and spirit to fight the case will be weakened. Be bold, brave and courageous just like in a war situation to fight to finish the opponent legally.

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