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Ham (Data Entry Operator)     26 November 2009

Minimum Wages Act

Dear Sir / Madam,

Can anyone let me know about Minimum Wages Act, for whom these Act are really applicable.

Is it applicable to all the Indian Citizens who work in India or Abroad or only for those who salaries are less.



 1 Replies

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     16 January 2010

Please go through Minimum Wages Act 1948. It is applicabe to the employees employed in scheduled employments in India. The employer of the scheduled employed has to pay wages to its employees not less than minimum wages fixed by the appropriate Government for that schedule of employment. If he pays less than minimum wages, it will be violation of Section 12 of the Act. The difference of wages less than minimum wages can be recovered by filing a direction case before prescribed authority.

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