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kanwal (cs)     31 July 2019


How State Financial Corporation established under SFC Act 1951 can be merged with State PSU incorporated under Companies Act 1956...what are the formalities..


 2 Replies

H.M.Patnaik (Proprietor)     01 August 2019

These two entities are incorporated under two different Acts.

Since the SFC is owes its origi to SFC Act, there would be specific provision in the relevant rules for dissolution of the entity with due approval from competent Govt. and passing of suitable resolution to for taking over of the Assets & Liabilities of the dissolving entity by another Govt. Company, a state PSU.

Similarly, since the State PSU is incorporated under the Companies Act,it's Management will pass suitable resolution for taking over the Assets & liabilities of the dissolving SFC in consonance with the decision taken by the appropriate Govt. and file the required documents with applicable fees in MCA portal for completion of the take over process.

kanwal (cs)     01 August 2019

thank you very much sir..can you mention the forms to be filed with mca

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