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Gaurav (Agent)     20 July 2013

Mediation failed regarding AB????

Yesterday, mediation failed in CAW. Want to know if now itself we should apply fr AB or wait for FIR??? My lawyer is not picking up my call... :(


 5 Replies

vivek malhotra (Advocate)     20 July 2013

if you have any kind of apprehension of FIR against you must apply for AB immediately. 

Gaurav (Agent)     20 July 2013

Thanks as yesterday only mediation failed so in that case normaly it takes 7days to longe a FIR??? It means i have 7 days???? Or FIR can be done befor that aswell???

Gaurav (Agent)     20 July 2013

Thanks pls confirm me FIR will be longe after a week of mediation failure... So idealy i have one week???? I think this is the procedure..?? Pls confirm my lawyer is not picking up my call

Gaurav (Agent)     20 July 2013

Waiting for your advice???

Gaurav (Agent)     21 July 2013

Response awaiting pls pls pls

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