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Married to a man who was not divorced

Page no : 3

498aindian (other)     26 September 2013

In S P S Balasubramanyam vs Sruttayan [AIR 1992 SC 756], the apex court had said, "If a man and a woman are living under the same roof and cohabiting for a number of years, there will be presumption under Section 114 of the Evidence Act that they live as husband and wife and the children born to them will not be illegitimate."

So, here the wife making claim as her marriage is void is not so easy as my highly fake talented Law consultant Mr.Saurav is announcing without any practical case study.


@ Stalker,His suggestion was for two different states and not within the state,you have wrongly misread his reply. For every two different state the case should be transfered from the order of SC only and not HC as he has mentioned in his reply. The case has to be transferred from Rajasthan to Mahrastra,now you tell me is it possible from HC of Rajasthan do Rajasthan and Maharastra come in the same state?No, here SC has to give his order.

He has done many mistake,even he don't know the basic difference of RCR and Judicial seperation, You can see in that thread he ahd written first for judicial seperation 2 years of marriage needed,then in next post he had written 1 year is needed. May god save him from this fake Law consultant who forcely acclaim himself as law proffessional and other member's here are non-proffessional's. He is only the Learned member here who is giving wrong suggestions to the victim's.

His statement on Bar and law proffessional made me to laugh again on him. He seem's like mama's baby boy who is last person on this earth who is educated and had learnt the Law rest all are lunatic and mud slinger.I 100% appreciate Mr.Sufferer who writes himself as Sufferer but act as Saviour,he doesn't claim himself as lawyer or Legal consultant,but truely deserves the same.I appreciate his effort for helping victim's here without any self or greediness.

Mr. Saurav may god protect you from your fake consultancy and fake arrogancy and keep this Bar of memeber for your kind knowledge.


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