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Arun (Software Engineer)     10 October 2014

Marriage certificate

Hello Legal Experts,

Good Morning!

I'm Arun from Chennai and I have a question regarding the marriage certificate.

I got married this Feb 2014 and I haven't registered my marriage yet.

I wanted to register my marriage now but when I enquire in SRO, they say that, marriages need to be registered before 90 days or so.

Since I exceeded this 90 days, please advise me on how and where to register my marriage now?

I might need to travel to US along with my wife and I will require Marriage certificate to take her with me as Dependent.

Your inputs on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.



 7 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     10 October 2014

Visit Sub-registrar office at where marriage was solemnised. File an application and enclosed required documents. You will get the certificate.

1 Like

Arun (Software Engineer)     10 October 2014

Hi Ram, Thanks for your quick advice. Is it OK even if it has exceeded the maximum time of 90 days? TIA

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     10 October 2014

the 90 days limit is without fine prescribed by the stamps and registration act in sub registrar and after 90 days with a fine you can submit the same documents at the sub registrar office to get the marriage certificate 

the fine is very nominal fees and fine is prescribed from state to state 

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Arun (Software Engineer)     10 October 2014

Thanks Mr.Ram for your valuable inputs. Can you please let me know what are all the required docs that I need to carry and where I can get the application for the same? Couldnt see the attachment from Mr.Ram THanks once again!

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     10 October 2014

marriage solemnized under hindu marriae act you have to produce 

1. your self and brides age proof completion of 21/18 years like election id , birth certificate, college or school certificate, pass port 

2. marriage invitation, photos 

3. residence proof like ration card, passport 

4. each person 4 photos

5. two witness with their proof of identity

and late fees about application you can have it from the sub registrar office 

Arun (Software Engineer)     10 October 2014

Thanks a lot Mr.Mahesh..

henriettarexach (New York City)     12 October 2014

ATTN PLS, am sending my testimony to everyone out there, that is either in my shoe or needs help one way or the other. My names is Henrietta, and i want to share with you all about my relationship breakup back then, which almost lead me to frustration and unhappy life experience. I was married to my ex divorced Husband 2 year and 11 months ago. My husband, I and and our pretty kid was happily living in peace and harmony. But, few months ago my Husband started acting strange to me. Unknown to me, he has been engaging him self online with another woman, which he was keeping from me as a secret. But few weeks ago, i caught him on our computer, mailing this woman. And, when i asked him who she was, he told me that, she was just a friend. The message conversation caught my attention and i decided to go through it. To my surprise, my husband have been dating this woman on my behalf for some period of time. Immediately, after i noticed that, i began to quarrel with him and all he could told me, was that he never loved me, that we should go for a divorce. I thought he was saying it from anger due to the situation at hand as at that moment. Because of the love i had for him, i never wanted to support it, although it happened, i still did not give up on him. I was looking for solution to get him back home. so i went in search on how i can get back my husband. Well, along my search, i saw a testimony of a woman on how Prophet Irabor was able to restore back her marriage home. Immediately, i copied the email address and decided to give a try. After following all the procedures and instructions given to me by Prophet Irabor, within the space of 2 days, my husband gave me a call and started begging me that he was sorry for what has happened between us. And because i love him so much, i quickly responded to him that i have forgiven him and told him to come back home. Me and my husband are now living happy married life again. All respect and honour to you Prophet Irabor, for the Help you have render to me and my family. Sir, i pray God Strengthen you...If you need his help, you can email him on (

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