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prakash prajapati (proprioter )     10 August 2010

how to start practic in taxation ?


i want to know how to start practic as tax consultant.i done LLB. i work as accountant but now i want to start as tax consultant ( IT Practic).so plz give me favrable reply.


 6 Replies

Shayan Khan (     10 August 2010

Take a new office and start entertaining clients. read Income Tax Act, Wealth Tax, VAT,ect. daily.

All the Best

prakash prajapati (proprioter )     12 August 2010


thank u sir for ur reply. i wil do it.

now i also want to know about C.S.& it`s import.& how to start it in surat,gujarat.

thanks again.

Ramanathan G (Independent practice)     15 August 2010

I fear to contradict the answer given by another expert, but feels i am duty bound to do. Without Juniorship at Tax Bar Association, till the TRICKS OF THE TRADE is learnt, it will be very dangerous to do independent practice. The practice of Law is very much different from what you will find from outside. Books of any sort cannot be replacement for a Humanbeing as Guide in the profession. Reading between lines is an Art which can be learnt only from a Teacher in the Profession. Accountant, clerk, typist etc are only complying another Professional's instructions; on the other hand Advocate, Doctor, Engineer etc are taking separate decisions for each cases, relying upon the ground reality and Facts of the Case.

The person from whom you want to learn work, whether he himself know the work is a question of luck. However, when you will hold his file and go to Courts, and say that you are a Junior, a lot of persons besides your "Senior" will teach you. Please be humble and never mimick a person who is willing to teach you voluntarily, and you will find that, you will learn a lot FREE OF COST, and after 1 or 2 years, start Independent Practice; remember, by then you will have a lot of Friends, to whom you can ask doubt, whenever you are in difficulty.

This is common for each and every Profession, and Every Court and BarAssociations.

Ramanthan Ganapathy Iyer.

Shayan Khan (     17 August 2010

Dear friend,

                  if you want to join CS then kindly visit ICSI website.

so have belive in yourself. all the best

Shayan Khan (     17 August 2010

Dear sir,

i already presumed that the above mentioned person has already acquired the practicle experience in the area of taxation.

anyways, u expalined this, i am very thankful to you!

Chiranjiva Ranjan (Advocate and Tax Consultant)     25 August 2010

A person who has acquired a qualification of L.LB, can start practice in the feild of Taxation and Mr Prakash has already got a qulification and have worked in the feild of Accountancy. But It is also advised that no one can learnt without any Guide. So the version of Ramanthan Ganapathey Iyer is also correct. So followed the path as suggested. No one can become a good counsel without gaining experience other wilse You will become a broker for your clints.

Chiranjiva Ranjan,

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