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How to prevent the effect of 498a on family.

Page no : 2

S.B _Kolkata (Service)     19 December 2009

Can you help me to say in detail about the mediation, its process, the thing s to be keep in mind while doing mediation, type of person to be involved in it, etc. so that immidiately I Shall start to do the same.

Thanking you all



S.B _Kolkata (Service)     19 December 2009

You are right madam. But After knowing all the thing may be you understand my situation.

Still I believe that separation is not the way to dissolve the problem.. but parallely I thought that I shall have to save my Parents, as wel as my daughter.

I 'll have to prove that She was wrong in his position which was directed and regulated by her parents.

I shall tell you the details later. Then you will be stunnt...............

how ever thank u lot for your valued advise, and hope this will continued to prevent my innoscent parents, and family member.



Meenakshi (Lawyer)     19 December 2009

 Mohit Attri..change ur name to chota chatri..........Its not about emotional or legal or even practical which i feel in excess can kill the Reality...Its his situation everythin doesn need to be draged to court.....Just three months back she conceived a baby and also Mediation is a better process... if that fails then yes rcr is an option so My advice go step by step its like shaam dhaam dand or somethin.......

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S.B _Kolkata (Service)     19 December 2009

As discussed with you people and after getting several advises from your end, I made a sequence to be follow as stated herein below only to save & secured my family from the anticipated harrasment of arrest by police while filing 498a by my wife.

As because this my first motive to do so, then the the question will raise how to save myself from the false alligation (if there):

1) First a simple registered letter to be send by her name to come back. She has already taken maximum sridhan from my house and key of the locker of bank, is with her still from the opening of same can be stated in this letter. Also from the first day of marraige she kept the key of almirah with her- that can be mentioned.

2)Submission of GD to local police station stating the all incidence and anticipation I made as on date. But "police need not to take any legel action immidiately based on my GD"-that can be requested vide this letter. This is only for the acknowledgement of local police.

3)Filing a HMA sec 9 to get her a summon from the court, which can be withdraw any time..

4) If she agree to stay with me separately, Rented house can be arranged with proper record and proof.

Out of the all as enumarated herein above, Also I made a plan. I shall propose her immidiately to come and make open discussion  in front of both parents which will be recorded vediogfaphically knowing fully.

By which and getting reply of the same from their end Easilly I 'll be able to understand the motive of her and her parents, which is the most important to know for taking the further steps from my end..

All of you are requested coordially to read the hole carefully and make comment or guide me on to my opinion..




Meenakshi (Lawyer)     19 December 2009

sounds like a plan!All the best..........

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S.B _Kolkata (Service)     19 December 2009

My wife has a past criminal case history, some how She was convicted and 6.5 yrs were behind the bar. Knowing the fact (as she stated verbally before marraige) I got marraid with her and now found some abnormal behaviour. may be it is the consequence of her imprisionment which affets her mentality badly...

After onward she changed her name (before marraige)

Under this circumstances and to know all the story I need to have go through the detail of her past cases, which can help me to fight against 498a yet to be filled by my wife as anticipated. Also this will help me to make change her thinking and  to bring her in the right way...

How shall I be able to know all the past cases in detail?

benny (advocate)     23 December 2009

It seems that more harm is done to u r relationship bcous of unknown fear. understand that every person including ur wife needs a peaceful life and it can be ensured only by mutual trust and under standing. advocates tackle issues by using the law available in our country... but the power to decide your life is in vested in u. a litigation before the court should be the last resort. any way u should be better knowing ur wife than anybody else... if there is no scope for a mediation better find a good  advocate...

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DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     25 December 2009


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Mohit Attri (lawyer)     27 December 2009

oye miss meenakari chitarkari khair jo vi ho why should i change my name...........huh grrrrrrrrr.section 9 is not bad for this kind of cases.he is not going to file a divorce petion.section 8  only compewll the wife to perform her it s just a preesuure on this case section 9 is a best option.yeh emotional orr meditation advice dene wale toh aaspass bahut mil jaate hai .we r here only for legal advice


mohit attri

Sachin Bhatia (Advocate)     27 December 2009

I think it s better to go for some mediation with some elders of the family and try to solve the problem outside the court,  if this does't not gives any finding then go for Petition u/s 9 of H.M.Act.

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DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     01 January 2010


Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Advocate )     13 January 2010

Consult with your local faimily counselor to settle the matter.

Hardik Mehta (Family Counsellor)     13 January 2010


You just need to be patient and kill the time for another 6 months atleast. Forget about the diffrences at present. Send the Regaistered AD letter to your wife and also the money order of Rs 500 to 1000, for the maintenance of your child. This will show that you have not deserted her and want her to come back. In all the letters as well as MOs, just write for her to come back. If she does not come back or contact you, then after 6 months, just stop sending the lettters and MO. After 2 years of desertion file the divorce on the grounds of cruelty and desertion. This is going to be the future of your marital life, since she has already taken all the stridhan back with her, she is not going to come back.


By sending the money for your kid, the DV case and 498a case will be weakened. Even if she refuses to accept the money, you already have the money order slip that she has refused to accept the same, which will be useful for you in the court.

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Aftab4u (PVT EMPLOYEE)     14 January 2010

The wifes those who have tasted the 498 / DV and filed the same are like the tigress who has tasted the drop of blood.Simple language they will screw the Husband happiness and in life only they will show hell.

God bless them.


S.B _Kolkata (Service)     14 January 2010

To all of Well Wisher & Advisor.

Some effective steps at this stage I have taken before going to take any legal action.

Twice in every month I am sending Money to her and keeping the xerox copy of cheque.

Secondly, I have started to record her voice call while talking with me,

Also I am collecting documents and evidence to prove that Since from the first day of marriage, never she stayed with her in laws,

Now advise me accordingly for the further steps....



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