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R.M.Bhaduri (Lawyer)     06 September 2009

How to deal with basic problems in Bihar?

The bihar altough rich in culture, language,etc., but miserably failing to achieve the desired goal more particularly in areas of infrastructure. In recent years to some extent the scenario has changed and we are not looked down as was one decade back. So, I would like to invite practical suggestive discussions from the members of LCI so that it may be helpful.

 8 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     06 September 2009

i think there has been some good change in Bihar....few days back i read some news regarding Bihar Pul Nirman Nigam....probably in India Today, where it was said that the corporation has constructed more bridges in a year than it constructed in the past 30 years.


Biharis will ve to change their attitude as well....let some hardwork be done in Bihar itself...they will ve to fight for justice from administration.


i was glad to notice that the present govt. in Bihar has introduced insurance scheme for unskilled labourers from Bihar working in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi or in other Northern states....and this scheme is being advertised widely.


u can not expect a sudden change, let their be a special green revolution, white revolution and industrial revolution in Bihar by the people of Bihar itself...i ve seen the labour which comes to Punjab or in other northern states in fact does not earn much and their living conditions are also the exodus for money from state is not of much significant.


Biharis will ve to change their fortune by themselves......and finally i appeal to every one from Bihar and U.P pls dont consume Tobacco or Gutkha kind of things.

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Manish Singh (Advocate)     28 September 2009

people of Bihar firstly must think above their castes and all that.. they are still into casteism which is the main cause of their backwardness. they need to be selfless and must think of the whole bihar insted of their particular religion... i dnt kno y they do not think rationally since they also watch television.. bt yeah..ill try to make them literate at appropiate time.. bt plz be conscious of the world as to whats going around the globe and try to learn frm that to improve the identity.  

sharmilla ram (general manager)     19 October 2009

according to me bihar will never change even the mentally of the people to.i would like to give exm of bihar people. there is one box where full of proan suddenly cap opened all of proan cameout expect 2 remain.then one friend ask to other friend why this 2 remain in the bottle then he replyed they r bihari cuz one is going up second is pulling down thats why they did not bihar specially younger generation they know they will never change the mentally of the bihar the best job is kidnaping n extortion.nobody is ready to invest there,if u want to rise in bihar then ur one brother should be s.p second poltician third will be lawyer nfourth will be crimnal then u can stay peacefully.there is only one chance to devlop bihar either earthquick has to come n destroy everything  even all people die otherwise no chance,every state has some job in bihar only one job is teaching line u ve to pay money n take appointment otherwise no job sometimes may be police inspector.if u see politician record all crimnal ve good record even people like only criminal.they dont ve much choice but this state will be never devlop.see jharkand earlier when with bihar same after devloped chance to devlope.sorry to bihar people if u heart my column then i m sorry but this is truth.

Kanhaiya Singh (Advocate)     26 October 2009

Dear friends,

                            One should not use this FORUM to spread hatred for a group of people. The comments of Manish Singh and Sharmilla Ram in the name of suggestions are not acceptable at all. Here I shall like to tell Sharmilla Jee and many others who keep much hatred in their hearts for BIHAR and BIHARIES that BIHAR had given much to the entire nation and the world.

                           Gautam Buddha, Mahaveer, Samrat Ashok, Chanakya and many others belonged to BIHAR. The democratic form of government was in Vaisali in Ancient India. Shersah Suri of Buxur(BIHAR) defeated Himayun and it was he whose land revenue sustem is the basis of our present land reveenue system. Veer Kuanwar Singh was the pioneer of freedom struggle in1858. Many BIHARIES lost their lives in our freedom struggle. Mahatma Gandhi started his satyagrah movement from East Chaparan(BIHAR). Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first president of free India, was the chairman of the constituent assembly, the basis of our present CONSTITUTION. Dr. Bashistha Narain Singh, the great mathmatician was also a BIHARI. In present days, BIHAR supplies the largest nuber of the pool of IAS-IPS officials. Anand Kumar, the only INDIAN invited by the Mathmatical Association of America to its global conference hails from BIHAR. In IITS and other higher educational institutions BIHARIES are much ahead both in quality as well as quatities. The war Hero Abdul Hamid was also from BIHAR. In bollywood, Shatughna Sinha, Shekhar Suman and Manoj Bajpai wear the BIHARI Taj.

                                    Of course, there are certain weaknesses in BIHARIES but they are marching ahead by overcoming those vices, like the other states of INDIA.

                                                                                                              - A    BIHARI


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Dr.Anjani Kumar Vaidyasen,09431271130,Patna (Corporate affairs Taxation and Law Consultants Advocate)     26 December 2009

Dear friend,

In the developing countries,each unit of the nations reflects the wide scope for the growth of all nations and attracts the all other countries to make a plan for investment and prespective in the surrounding area of the state where development process is going on.In the matter of Bihar after separation from Jharkhand a rich minerals hub state, became a marks of question that how it can be developed and stood in the mainstreamline of nations but it proves it by dveloping in its all infratructure of machineries like road,agriculture,electricity and law and order, the basic problems of the state is untouched that is the castism,illiteracy and so on.

For removal of such type of problems existed in the Bihar can be removed from the wide concept of thoughts of peoples of Bihar.The changes inherits in the people itself where he domiciles.It is not possible for a mechanism to change in a day or night.Law and order should be followed by each and every people.It is also essential to published the rights and duties of the people to what they have to do and they have'not to do.

Unemployment as acurse of the state should be removed by providing employement of the eligible candidate in government vacancy.It is one of the assets of the state for allocation of work in wide range in the development processes.Funds should be monitering in productive ways otherwise no fruitful result will attain.The feelings of interest among the people and information as per the work job should be provided in the prevailing situation of Bihar in wide range.Multi opportunities of workjob should be opened for all and in true sense processes of development should be moved according to justice.

 Above all,skilled mentors is essential in the processes of development and removal of problems vice-versa.

Thanks with regards.

Dr.Anjani Kumar Vaidyasen  

Vijay Kumar Mukund ( Retired Airman)     17 May 2010

You r right mr. Anjani. I think ur statement should be eye opener for Sharmillajee. Bihar is neighter built in a day nor destroyed in a day. A rich cultural herigage which we could not safeguard indicates our weaknesses. If u try to search the root cause of all these problem u will find that the root lies in the lack of education. Lack of education does not mean that we Biharis are not educated. but lack of education mean that our system could not reach to every individual. We were having gurukuls, Nalanda university but  not for commoners. We definitely have many intellectuals but we dont have cultured (politically and socially) population. As per old record which i read in 2005 Bihar per capita income is rs. 6000/- (rs 500/- per person per month). There are so many riches so what will be condition of poorers (even less than rs 10/- a day) Last day i read an article about Khagaria visit of Bill Gates and got some shocking figure. I will give one example, in Khagaria 42% people are educated and only 20% wemen are educated less than half of national figure and more than 70 % of population in Khagaria are poor even by the low official standards. This is just a sample, even the figure for whole Bihar does not match national figure. When we talk about literate it means preson able to write and read. That person may be below primary, matric or sholar. So please inagine if 56% population are educated then how many are primary, matric, graduate or scholar. You may not find even 10% of population who is socially and politically educated. And if u add many educated like Sharnilajee and all then the figure goes down. So we can imagine that in a state like Bihar where even less than 10% people are properly educated (politically and socially cultured) and a large number of population are earning just to survive then what will be mindset of people. And these mindset are also made worst by harsh remarks by our own people. Still u can see that Bihar is trying to come out of darkness against all odds. First time in Indian history so many politician (their family) with criminal back ground were shown the exit door of bidhan sabha. I request all educated class people to give moral support and add values to bihar's mindset so that Bihar can be changed. 

Thanking u


Bimla (ADVOCATE)     21 September 2010

Hi All,

I am new member to this group.

thank you

R.M.Bhaduri (Lawyer)     28 December 2010

I am very honoured that you all have given your own opinions, we the people of Bihar ourselves have changed the Bihar and brought the present BIHAR which is being slowly recognized by outsiders, slowly and steadily Bihar is progressing, and I personally feel by keeping ourselves alert for our natural rights, we can surely root out and solve the basic problems in Bihar.

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