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hemu (owner)     12 January 2011

How long do cases last?

My grand father owned 4 properties, which he didnt will to anyone. He had 2 sons and 6 daughters.  There is a rumour that at some point after his death, his wife(my grandmother ) willed it to one of my mausis, one mama and the eldest grandson, although no one has seen this will.

In any case, I  have been told that such a will can be challenged in court as at the death of my grandfather, my grandmother gets only 1/9th of the share and cannot take a decission on the entire property unless she takes approval from all of her 8 children

what should be my course of action? If I take the matter to the court, how long does it take to get resolved? considering that the properties are still intact and havent been altered since my grandfathers death. Also financially how much would the case cost me, I know its hard to estimate but just give me a best , average and worst scenerio . oh and I live in Mumbai


Thanks for reading and and any comments and suggestions on this matter

 2 Replies

Nu.Delhi.Law.Fora. (Advocate-on-Record Supreme Court of India)     12 January 2011

Dear Querist,


Based on the brief facts, it appears that you can file suit for partition, mandatory and permanent injunction, etc. to respond to present situation.


Rabin Majumder


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R.venkatesh Naidu (.)     20 January 2011

you have been filed suit for partition.  It could not say that when it comes to end and its  cost,  because the duration of the cases all are depdending upon the court and conducting judges.  When the judges took hurry to finish the cases very quickly, the cases are comes to judgement quickly, otherwise we can't do anything.  And the cost of the case is not mentionable.  It depends upon the advocates.

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