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Vikrant Goel (fkhjk)     14 November 2012

Enquiry against judges

How and to whom i can appraoch for enquiry against 3 judges & its staff personnaly involved in 2 fake criminal cases and pretending to save marriage and women whereas in fact misued women and its chastity, law and his position in order to satisfy his ego & impress other by his power and then clarify himself and then blackmailing for money.

 2 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     14 November 2012

facts of the case ?

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     14 November 2012

First of all Judges especially in India are treated semi-god and the constitution has provided them immunity against any criminal action no matter even if the Judge is biased, a foolish to appreciate the evidence and has convicted and punished the accused though they were exonerated by the complainant and all other prosecution witnesses through their foolish deposition before the Trialcourt coursey section 167 Evidence Act. We have to wait may be 3 decades atleast to get FOND NOT GUILTY verdict by the High Court after the appeal is heard due to present backlog. The Trial Judge would enjoy all the service benefits and no Judge in India wrth its saly would pass any strictures against that Trial Judge as CHOR CHOR MAUSERE BHAYI. Long live the Judicial System at India. You need to get the sanction from the powers for any action against the Judge which would never be granted to a common citizen. If you have heard the maxim LAW MAKERS ARE THE LAW BREAKERS.

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