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Pavan kumar (AVP)     28 February 2013

Effective date of divorce

I have got Customary divorce from my wife as on date 18.02.2003 by executing divorce deed and register it on same day at notary. Later we submit a compromise pursis to Lok Adalat and order comes as under

Detail of compromise pursis where clearly written that

The parties of said petition got divorce as per prevailing customs of their society by mediation through key members of society as on date 18.02.2003. The divorce deed is registered at Notary. The parties of said matter have to abide by the compromise pursis As per Divorce agreement between parties, we are no longer husband & wife to each other and are independently living our lives. As per compromise pursis, the hon’ble court is request for order of divorce decree in the name of JusticeT

The order comes on 05.07.2003 as Follow:

Today the matter was put up before the Lok Adalat. Both the parties by compromise decided to dissolve the marriage and they submitted compromise pursis. Hence marriage of parties is dissolved by decree of divorce as per compromise pursis. Both the parties have settled their right of maintenance and they have agreed to abide by the arrangement of divorce produced before us. They have to abide by the agreement so far the custody of children is concern. No order as to costs

Family court registrar has shown many judgement to me where divorce decree with effect from divorce deed executed where as in my case effective date not written by lok adalat

 My question is what will be effective date of divorce 18.02.2003 when divorce deed executed as written in compromise pursis submitted to court which recognized by court 

or 05.07.2003 when order comes ?


 4 Replies



Pavan kumar (AVP)     28 February 2013

what you wanna ask plz specify clearly

rahul (director)     28 February 2013

effective date will be 05.07.2003

Advocate M.Bhadra   28 February 2013

Divorce Deed attested by a Notary is not valid to dissolve a marriage,only Family or District Court can dissolve the marriage by a Decree of Divorce, so it is  on 05.07.2003.

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