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MASTHAN (Self employeed)     16 January 2013

Double registration

Hi All,

1. We bought some land 5 years ago from person-A, person-A bought it from person-B,C, and D (B,C and D are blood relative brothers and they got it from their parents)

2. But the same land was sold to person-X by father of B,C and D 25 years ago.

3. It is very clear that it is a double registration.

4. Now, the father of B,C and D is not alive and person-B is also not alive.

5. Now C and D are not rich not enough to make any adjustments in this dispute. However person-A (from whom we bought land) is well settled and is very rich.

6. Now I have two options

    (a) Lets sell the same land to person-A (from whom we bought the land) and take the money and go away. Let person-A, Person, C and person D and person-X fight in this matter. But I am not sure whether person-A buys the land from us as per current market rate.

(b) Otherwise I have to file a suite on person-A. If I file a suite to on person-A, he defintiely files suite on person C and D. The matter becomes complicate.

Could you please let me know how person-A suite on person-C and person-D  impacts my suite on person-A? As we all know,  if the matter goes to court, it will take atleast 10-15 years to settle the matter.

If I ask person-A to buy  back the land as per current market, definitely he asks person-C and person-D to buy back as per the current market (person C and person-D are not in a position to buy the land as per current market)

How this particular scenario works?

7. Is person-A pays money to me only if person-C and person-D pays money to him? or there is no relation between my payment (from person-A) and person-A payment (from person-C and person-D)


8. Since person-A sold me some illegal property , I am sure I will won th suire on person-A but I am wondering how person-A suite on person-C and person-D impacts my suite in the court?





 1 Replies

Sagar B More (Owner)     28 January 2013

If You are in Possesion of property DEMARKETED / Boundry wall just go away for paper notice & clrify with advvocate

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