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Munirathnam (Scientist)     03 May 2011

Criminal Breach of trust

Hi, Long time back in my village one temple is constructed. During contruction people donated money to the committe which was monitoring the temple contruction. One man-A donated Rs.20,000/- through bank check and also father of man-A also donated Rs.20,000/- on his name hoping that both the people names will be written on the donators list that will be displayed in the temple. Whereas the committe member who received the money gave receipt to the father of man-A and did not give any receipt to the man-A being he lives in another area. Recently at the time man-A visited the temple saw that only his father name is displayes in the donators list but no mention of the man-A name. The person who received bank cheque from man-A had some dispute with man-A hence did not gave the receipt and also the money received from father of Man-A is not given to the temple. Now the story developed by the temple committe member is that: the receipt given to the father of the man-A is for the bank cheque amout but the name is written the father's name insted of the man-A name. Also the temple committe member is saying that father of the man-A never gave any money other than the bank cheque of Man-A. This way the temple committe member is cheating the man-A and his father. Kindly sggest the possible action on this cheater (temple comitte member). Can Man-A file cheating case, criminal breach of trust against the temple comitte member.


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