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Elamaran Perumal (Law Officer)     16 January 2010

Condition of Dalits in India

Dear Learned Friends,

On 14.01.2010, a Dalit youth was forced to eat human excreta for walking with his slippers on in one of the southern districts ofTamil Nadu. Caste hindus had attacked  and asked im to eat the night-soil. Can we imagine a more inhuman treatment than this shocking incident? We are boasting of tall claims in the 21st Century such lauching Sattellites,Rockets,Internet,twitter,Blogging and so on but the change has never come in the mindset of the people. What is the fun of having these scientific inventions when Dalits are treated in this lower than animal fashion. This has been happening year after year,decade after decade and century after century when will this cancerous element of upper caste chavinism end? Intellectuals are taking about abolition of reservation, obolition of castism, inter-caste marriages,inclusive growth  and change of mindset, can they kindly pay some attention to these kind of shochers? It is irony that these kind of cruel things happen in Tamil Nadu which is known as birth place social justice and politically,economically and industrially progressive State.

 5 Replies


Dear Perumal Ji,

Really it is shocking news. Only in most backward villages Upper class communities are harrassing lower class communities. In cities upper class people daren't do such things. Government itself creat caste discrimination in all fields. Be it in politics or in Government jobs.  Now most of old generations Dalits children are well educating. In near future these Dalits will teach lessons to the so called upper caste people.  

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     17 January 2010

Sir, I once read in newspaper, that one dalit shot dead, since he asked for the wages. In another incident one dalit got killed, since he sat in the chair. Inspite of being so many great leaders from dalits, this things are happenning, also law is excessively in favour of them. On the other hand so, many dalits are getting undue advantages of the sc/st acts. It is the poiticians, who are dividing society on the lines of castes, for narrow political gains.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     17 January 2010

Of course, Condition of Dalits in India is pitiable. To some extent, they too are responsible.



Article-46 This Article stated that the state should promote with special care the educational and economical interest of the weaker section of the people, also protecting them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. Article-46 was complemented by the inclusion of many other articles for the empowerment of the backward classes. Since they were the oppressed classes this was thought to be the best mechanism to correct the mistake that was being practiced for many hundreds of years.
I wonder that In spite of so much protection been given, but still if such incidence takes place, The culprits should be properly prosecuted,for

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 January 2010

Sir, The million dollar question is, who will prosecute? Before Independence, we had British Rule to blame, but now to whom should we blame?

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