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Complaint aganist the judge

Dear Gurus.

I would like to go complaint aganist the family judge in visakhapatnam,

I have already filed a petetion in high court , but recently I got all the evidences regarding the fraud done by the fanily court judge at Vizag , can any lawyer in Hyderabad suggest me what is the procedure ,

I will pay the fees , but I need the procedure and justice...



 12 Replies

Sachin Agarwal (Learner in Law)     31 August 2015

Write to The Administrative Judge of the High Court concerned and The District Judge.  Please check the mannual and rules before going ahead. 

S.JEEVAGAN, Madurai. (Advocate, High court )     31 August 2015



If what you have stated about the family court judge was true, then draft a complaint supported by your affidavit and send it to the Registrar General of AndhraPradesh High Court along with the copies of the evidence you have collected against the wrong doing judge by Registered post with AD. Wait for some period. It will be sent to that Judge through the Principal District Judge concerned for explanation. Your representation will also be sought for. Then based on the evidence submitted by you and the explanation of the Judge concerned thereon, either action will be taken against her or the complaint will be closed by the Registrar General. The Portfolio judge also will be consulted before taking any action against such a judicial officer. Therefore, better to send a copy of the complaint to the portfolio judge for his or her perusal. 


You have got another option to take action against the wrong doing judge. You can file an appropriate writ petition against the said judge along with necessary evidence before the Andhrapradesh High court. 


It is true to say that injustice is being done under the guise of legality within the institution of judiciary itself. It is not acceptable one if a judge delivers an  order or a judgment for an extraneous consideration. Sometimes, judges may be required to succumb to the pressure or influence of the superior judges, but still it is not justifiable. For no authority howsoever higher it may be, is empowered to direct its subordinate officers to do an unlawful or illegal things.


When I was working as a Civil Judge in the Tamilnadu State Judiciary, I never succumbed to such a pressure or influence. I was very particular in upholding the majesty of law and tried to instill faith and confidence in the minds of common man in our justice delivery system. When a High Court Judge personally called me and spoke to me about a case saying that the petitioner in a particular case was his close associate, I gathered courage to say in the open court that no one should believe if any High Court or Supreme Court judges say to the litigants or advocates appearing before my court that they have convinced me to pass a favourable orders or judgments in a particular case. For I would not act upon their whims and fancies or that of mine. Only facts of the case, evidence available on the record and the laws applicable to the case in hand will decide the fate of a case and not even myself being a judicial officer. Moreover, I had gathered courage enough to say in the open court that only Almighty God is above me and neither High court nor the Supreme court judges. They are superior to me only in the administrative side and not to dictate to me in respect of what orders or judgments to be passed by me in any of the cases filed before my court.


Wrong doing judicial officers should not be allowed to go Scot-free for any reasons whatsoever.. Otherwise, innocent common man will lose faith and confidence in the justice delivery system and they won't come to Court of law to seek for justice through legal means. They will be constrained to adopt violent self help to secure justice which would, in turn, create a chain of offences, i.e. one crime would follow another crime which is not the purpose of the administration of justice. Some judges may indulge in malpractices in the holy task of administration of justice fearlessly because they must be doing under the pressure or influence of Superior Judicial Officers and they would be protected by such officers in the event of any complaint likely to be made against them by the aggrieved victims/ litigants. It is not in the interest of the justice. Such practice is required to be curtailed at any cost. It is the judiciary which is duty bound to instill faith and confidence in the minds of the common man over the justice delivery system and not to breach the trust already reposed by the common man in the judiciary.



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MUMBAI: The Bombay high court has directed that no court  shall entertain a complaint seeking investigation against a judge for an alleged act committed during the discharge of his or her official duties.

A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Burgess Colabawalla cited the Judges (Protection) Act, and also ordered that when the offence alleged is that of passing an order for extraneous consideration or committing an act within the court premises, then prior sanction of the competent authority is mandatory before proceedings are initiated. In the case of a sessions judge or a magistrate, the authority is the government, while for a HC judge, it is the President.

"Once it is noticed that there is no prior sanction, no special judge or magistrate will have the jurisdiction to order an investigation against a judge by invoking Section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (private criminal complaint)," said the judges. "In view of the above settled legal position, in such a case, neither a sessions court nor a magistrate's court shall take any steps even for the purpose of recording statement of complainant or his witness," the judges added.

The court was hearing a criminal petition filed by a city advocate seeking initiation of criminal proceedings against a senior HC judge. The advocate had challenged the contempt proceedings initiated against him and his client in a property dispute case. He had also claimed that he was illegally detained in court and sought suo motu contempt proceedings against the judge as well as compensation of Rs 1 crore. The HC dismissed the petition and ruled that the judge's orders were in discharge of official duty and no action could be initiated. The HC further said that the advocate's plea that CCTV cameras be installed to record court proceedings is a decision that has to be taken by the administrative side after checking all the pros and cons.


NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     31 August 2015

@ Mr.S.Jeevagan ( Ex-Judge )

Moreover, I had gathered courage enough to say in the open court that only Almighty God is above me and neither High court nor the Supreme court judges.


YES...This is the line which every judge should maintain.

I feel very nice to see such a thinking pattern.

Remain ever committed to that TRUTH that God alone is supreme.

Krishna Murthy Pasupula (High Court Advocate )     01 September 2015

I am with Mr. S .Jeevagan sir, in appreciating his statement, in First Para (procedural Objection ) 

S.JEEVAGAN, Madurai. (Advocate, High court )     01 September 2015

Sirs, I hereby express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr. Natarajan Iyer, Mr.TGK Reddi and Mr.Krishna Murthy Pasupula for your noble comments and advice.Thanks a lot.


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My cell No. is  : +91  98421978559842197857.


stanley (Freedom)     01 September 2015

@ Jeevagan . 

Your point of view is highly apperciated . But now days the fountian of justice is corrupted . 



Need Help   01 September 2015

Sir Jeevagan,


We appreciate your sincere views and your guidance to the forum on this topic.

We would request you to shower the forum with your expertise and guidance  more. 

Thanking you again !!



Hounarable Jeevagan Sir ,

First of all thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions for me , if every lawyer thinks like you no client suffred like me , you are simply such a wonderful person, may God bless you .

The fact is Now a days the lower court judges are behaving like "MISTAKE are mandatory "," we do mistakes if you want the justice go for higher court "

in my case  The Judge has written 8 paras of observation in his judgement 

1. The first para completely wrong , as I filed a divorce petetion  first then my wife filed RCR ,but he written in reverse , prior to filing my divorce petetion  my wife has filed a RCR , which was absolutely wrong . I filed divorce petetion in 2011 and my wife filed RCR in 2012, So how can written like this , he is not having minimum common sense that case no is followed by year .

2. adding insult to the injury he written three paras which are no where present the respondent counter or cross examination or evidence afadavit , so he written some imaginary statements those were no where , I really doubt this judgement written by judge or my opposite lawyer , Sir believe me these things are happing in vizag from a long period .

3. as he delivered the verdict in the open court on 10th April 2015 , later he modified some of the contents (ha added 3 paras) , which is unethical , the judge should not altered the judgement once he pronounced in the open court .

4. The case went 3.6 years in the lower court ,but after these many years finally the family court judge sold out , as wife's father and mother are court employees and her uncle also court employee.

5. After the judgement pronounced in the open court, I went the CA section for my copies ,
 there the higer official of the CA  section asked me 2000/- for my CA copies , I has given 2000/- 
but he has not given copies even after pronounced in the open court , he has given one copy of the judgement 
in that copy judge signature is there , but no seal .he has given this copy in the month of May 2015 ,
 as the judgement pronounced in the April 2015, but I got the certified copy in the june 1st week 2015.

6. The astonishing fact is he added 3 paras additionaly " how can judge do this 
", the official who hand over the earlier 4
CA copy called me begging me like " dont show that CA copy to any one ", even the typist who typed the judgement called me
and requesting me to dont show that previous copy to any one " I recorded thier calls"
The typist saying like " the judge modifed the content ,but please dont show this to any lawyer in Hyd 
other wise we will loose our jobs "

7.If a judge , ( I am thinking twice before prefixing the term hounrable for the term  judge  )  
do these kind of silly mistakes, why should the higher authorities punish the innocent people in between .

8.I have all the call records of CA section official and the typist , 
they admitted that some fraud happend in vizag family  court .

                                    Respected Jeevagan Sir ,  people like you only do the justice for me ,
 to day evening I will call you , if you want I will come to your place with all my documents ,
 or else please refer any one in Hyderanad


Thanks a lot ,

Venkat .



Dear Sainath Sir , 

people like Jeevagan are very rare in this country , he simply a  ROLE MODEL for all the lawyers , let him give his valuable suggestions , I am not Idle , as I am fighting my case idependently as party in person ,thanks for your valuable suggestions .Layers club of india is to give guidance to the common  people like me , not to support judiciary officals.

Thanks ,






T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     06 September 2015

Appreciable piece of advise rendered by learned & Hon'ble Mr. Judge Jeevagan  (Retd).  It was very pleasant and happy to note that  a leanred judge coming down heavily on the corrupt judiciary openly  and suggesting ideas to the aggrieved for finding solace to their problems. Thank You sir.


Respected Kalaiselvan Sir, 

you are 100% correct , he is simply superb!!! and role model for all of us , its previllage and honour to talking to Jeevagan sir .



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