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Nirmal Kumar Sahu (Service)     18 August 2009

Company Registered under which act?

Can somebody help me

Companies are registered under factories Act  or Shops & Establishment Acts. but somebody told that apart from these 2 Acts, companies are also register under other act such as banking. Can anyone help me and explain this in more detail?/



Nirmal Kumar Sahu

 3 Replies

badrinath (Sr.Manager-human resources)     18 August 2009

"registration" is different and obtaining" licence" is different. if its a "factory" , they have to get factory licence under factories Act and if its a shop or establishment they need to get licence under shops and establishment Act.

Amit kishore singh (CS cum Legal executive)     09 October 2009

Dear member,

Law under which registration of active company is required is depends on its nature of business:-some common law under which every new company has to get it registered are:-

1. Employees Provident and Misc Prov act.

2. Contract labour Reg and abolition act

3. ESI


Amit kishore singh (CS cum Legal executive)     09 October 2009

One more thing you ahve check the number of employees to ensure applicability of some labour acts .

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