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ashok kumar (Social Worker)     25 August 2012

Civil suit for damages


Under what Sections of CPC is a suit for damages filed if some one harms the reputation of a person.  

Can a damage of a token sum of Re 1/- be prayed in a suit for damages for harming the reputation of a person


 8 Replies

anurag sharma (properiter )     25 August 2012

section 499 & 500 defamation,

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     25 August 2012

I have asked the remedy under CPC

Anuragji has provided teh Sections of IPC

My question is 


Under what Sections of CPC is a suit for damages filed if some one harms the reputation of a person.  

Can a damage of a token sum of Re 1/- be prayed in a suit for damages for harming the reputation of a person

sandeep sangwan (-----)     26 August 2012

there is no such provision in C.P.C, but u can do it through "Trots". there is a case in which the court put the exemplary damage on police in Bhim singh Vs State of J&K, in this the petitioner did't get any damage, but awarded by 50,000 as exemplary damage to wrongfully detained by police.another important case Ashby vs white.

surjit singh (Assistant)     26 August 2012

The Court of Civil Procedure governs the procedure to be followed by the court while dealing with the mattter. Suit for damage will be filed in the same way any suit for title etc. are filed. The amount mentioning the damage depends upon you and your social status. On the amount mentioned in the damage suit you will have to submit court fee. I doubt damage suit of an amount of Rs.1/- will be admitted by the court or not, court may not admit the suit on the ground of unreasonableness.

anurag sharma (properiter )     26 August 2012

may be Re. 1/- is un-reasonable??????? file the case in person, don't appoint any advocate, pray the judge u don't want money but  justice and only justice,  Re.1/- is symbolic..... money cannot bring back ur reputation................... actually i m doing the same thing against my tenant....... take ur chance..

Ravi chaturvedi (Partner)     28 August 2012

If you want justice go to criminal court. There is no justice procedures in civil but compensations

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     28 August 2012

Thanks to all who have provided feedback

Anuragji, have u filed teh suit against your tenant or are planning to do that

If u have already filed I would liek to know whether you succeeded in claiming Just Rs 1/- as compensation?

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     28 August 2012


Actually teh persons who have domne teh wrong, are of such meagre Financial background that I just want a token comensation.

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