Thanks a ton for this information. I had a similar issue.
One of my friends "MOTHER" (Born in Maharashtra, Year=1958) wanted to change her name on her Birth Certificate because on it, her middle name is not printed.
When we approached the Birth Cert. office (nearly 5-6 times) they are claiming that they cannot change only the "FIRST NAME" on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? And any correction in fathers name/DOB etc can be done.
They are not ready to do the correction because on their records register HER name is registered "WITHOUT SURNAME". (that was by mistake during her birth.)
We have shown all documents proof(PAN, ELECTION CARD, RATION CARD, SCHOOL LEAVING, BAPTISM CERTIFICATE, COLLEGE PASSING). On these the name is correctly printed as "Firstname" followed by "Middlename" followed by "Lastname".
IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE FIRST NAME ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE for a 1958 year record? Please provide your valuable suggestion. Thanks a lot in advance.
Originally posted by : A V Vishal |
In case you wish to change your name, that also includes your father's/mother's name (!!) or even Surname you have to follow a very simple procedure.
1.Go to the State Government Press in the Capital City of your state.
2.Ask them for the form for change of name and obtain it.
3.Fill up the form and submit it (preferably then and there).
4.Pay the requisite Fees in cash. (Rs. 120/- in Maharashtra for routine (6-8 weeks for publication) and Rs. 620/- for urgent (2-3 weeks)).
5.The Press would publish the details of the change of your name (or father's/mother's name, or surname as be your case) and post you two copies of the Government Gazette or ask you to collect the same. The press would also let you know when they would publish the same.
6.Thereafter wherever you wish to submit your change of Name / Father's/mother's Name / Surname Proof, you can submit true copies of the relevant pages of the Gazette.
6.Thereafter wherever you wish to submit your change of Name / Father's/mother's Name / Surname Proof, you can submit true copies of the relevant pages of the Gazette.
The procedure is adopted for the change in the date of birth and age and even for a change of religion.
Once the same is notified in the gazzette approach the university/board and request change in your name by submitting a certified copy of the gazzette.