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Aashish Satpute. (student)     23 October 2011

Can univercity reject students 1st rank after revaluation..?

in tha last accadamic year i was appeard for final year LLB i.e 5th semester at that time i got 51/100 in code of civil procedure paper thn i got revaluate my CPC answersheet and noticed tht in the last question of shortnotes my 1 mark was not counted by chker and for increasing of tht 1 mark i challnged my photocoy of answersheet and after 15 days univercity gives me new result with increasing my marks i.e from 51/100 to 52/100

but in the last i.e 6th semester of LLB i got gud marks and got 1st rank in univercity. but after going throgh the merit list my name was not there. then m approched to concern examiner officer he told that u got revaluate ur answersheet in 5th sem so ur not get 1st rank in univercity.

so whats remdy available for me in such case.....?

is their any supreme court citation available for me?

which steps have to take now...?

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