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fighting back (exec)     01 October 2014

Businessman kills wife for refusing him divorce

This is what happens when things are stretched  beyond resistance level between two warring parties.. instead of making the laws simpler of parting ways, this is an example of consequence when either of the spouse becomes stubborn in accepting the always takes two to tango. and not one........................

 5 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     02 October 2014

@ Author,

I disagree to you. 


W I F E = Worries Invited Forever

Should not have taken such extreme step of killing, instead should have spent his business fortune to seek legal divorce come what may come in terms of time/money/patience et al. Afterall these is something called Law of the land (in whichever form it is currently whether one likes it or not, but it is there) too, otherwise every next to next husband will take up such cruel acts of un-sound mind in guise of Oct. 2nd. as Swacha Patni Mukta Bharat  is my  dharma !

[Last reply]

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fighting back (exec)     02 October 2014

@TAjobs..........agree with you sir, however, in matrimonial cases. there is a lot of emotions involved from both sides. unlike other cases like civil or criminal. in matrimonial cases. there is desparation to get out of the wedlock in divorce cases. and when one spouse resists, coupled with the snail's pace of the indian judicial system, there is one more important factor involved, only in matrimonial cases. the factor of 'biological clock' ticking in a person. a person, when locked in a legal matrimonial suit, is hell bent to finish it off as soon as he or she can, because of his biological clock ticking away (his or her age) so if the system doesnt support it, then out of sheer desparation such instances happen................................

fighting back (exec)     02 October 2014

 Oct. 2nd. as Swacha Patni Mukta Bharat  is my  dharma ! is a brialliant idea....however with an addition of a couple of words. would sound just fine...............Swacha Cunning and fake 498, DV Patni Mukta Bharat 

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One should think before jumping in.  Whats the need to get married.  Am I able to adjust with a woman.  What will be the consequences of getting married.  What if not able to adjust.  What if I have to part from parents.  What if I am getting into a bigger headache.  Will I be able to look after the spouse .  Will I be able to tolerate the spouse, will I be able to tolerate in-laws?  What are priorities of prosepective spouse, will I be able to cope up with them?  Just simply looking at photo, talking on phone, whatsapp, marrying just for the sake that parents want you to get married will not do any good to anybody, but increase potential for problems.  He or she got married, so I also should get married.  He or she got married, has kids, now I should have kids.  One should not have herd mentality like sheep.   In these times of high income, and low patience levels, one has greater responsibility to think about whether to get married or not.

No doubt, the Laws need to be changed, the whole procedure of divorce  need to be simplified in such a way that people wont end up doing such things.

There will be laws, but one should be smart enough not to brush arse with laws, dont get into a situation where you will have to brush up with laws.  In short, its better to stay single than to get married in present time.  Find easier ways to deal with emotions such as love and affection.

As time passes by it going to be even more difficult to get along, ie husband and wife.

Follow the leader.  Stay single.  Jai MODI.

But there will continue to be fools and we can just wish there will be morre number of courts for faster disposal of marital issues !.

498A-filed (Advisor)     08 October 2014

We marry for life. When one person wants to ditch another person after promising to stay together for life, he/she should not worry about his/her biological clock. Because he/she is destroying other persons life by running away from a life time promise.


If one wants a quick divorce, then he/ she should choose to live in a live in relationship where quick exit is possible. Or he/ she should marry in a country where laws allow couples to divorce by the wish of any one spouse. 


I am a hindu and I married my wife for 7 lifes. Now she wants to get away and also wants to keep the child. No matter how much she shouts, or how many cases she files, I will never give her divorce. I will let her get old and if she get pregnant, I will file a case of bigamy on her father.

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