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TIRTHESH SHAH (STUDENT)     30 November 2016

Basics of law

Basics of Law

Please explain the following terms

  1. Section
  2. Sub Section
  3. Clause
  4. Sub clause


In reading & interpretation of the any legislation, what role is played by Section, Sub section, clause & sub clause?

Any principles or rules governing regarding them, individually or inter se.

Describe & illustrate codification of any legal provision using them. (Type of codification adopted for them? ([Section, sub section, clause, and sub clause] Also indicate how to identify whether the given provision is subsection, clause or sub clause) What is the naming convention adopted for the same any specific restriction that only small letters or small roman numerals shall be adopted)

How they are codified ( For example, In Income tax act,1961 does the section when inserted during amendment need to be in capital letters or can it be in the short letters [ 32 & 32A ]

Is there any framework to adhered to while drafting any legislation?

To which constituent [Section, sub section, clause, sub clause] can explanation be attached? What if the same is conflicting with its constituent?

Various legal principles and rules adopted.

Various Legal phases & terminology adopted in legislation.

Relevant Latin Terms & Maxims


Any books concerning the above subject matter which can be referred?


 3 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     01 December 2016

Academic query.

For what purpose you required this information?

Please state thfact of case.

TIRTHESH SHAH (STUDENT)     02 December 2016

It is purely from academic perspective to improve my knowledge of LAW.



Ananya Gosain   21 September 2021

Dear sir, As per my kniwledge A section may have sub-sections, clauses, and sub-clauses. --- when each part of the section is independent of each other and one is not related to others, such parts are called a CLAUSE. SUBSECTION, on the other hand, refers to such parts of a section where each part is related with other, and all subsections took together completes the concept presented in that section. Sections are used to break a contract into portions in order to make it easier to read and understand. Different parts of a contract are divided into different sections, which are further broken down into subsections. The clauses usually give additional information about the law. Assuming the fictional act above, a clause could add that although littering is punishable, in certain cases such as emergencies, loitering could be acceptable.A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it merely complements a sentence’s main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning. Hope this helps Regards

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