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Madhu sudan   28 January 2019

498A and Divorce

Dear Sir , My marriage completed in 2008 almost 9 years in this years me and my wife relation was good but till 7 seven years of we dont have children the prb was in me with infertility low sperm. After approching the doctors using their treatment my infertility seems ok al is going well in 2017 my wife conceived in natural process everything seems good we got a baby girl after birth of baby girl here my prb starts in peaks she blasted a massage at our face saying that the baby born to you is not your baby it is some else and she left our home . After approching their parents i damanded them to perform a DNA test .if DNA matches with me ill except my wife without any terms n condition i sent a legal notice to my wife . In reply of that notice . i got this that i am not fit for marriage and not fit for children .from nine years i am torturing her without giving basic food and more over my mom n dad including me trying to kill the baby and kick her from my home . They r saying baby is born through iui process .But i am completely un aware of that treatment. I demanded them to show the documents of treatment were i signed . They r simply saying that i am tear the proofs . My wife filled a 498A on me my mother n Dad and my sister she is married and stays in her matrimonial home.


 1 Replies

Martin S.   29 January 2019

Originally posted by : Madhu sudan
Dear Sir ,

My marriage completed in 2008 almost 9 years in this years me and my wife relation was good but till 7 seven years of we dont have children the prb was in me with infertility low sperm. After approching the doctors using their treatment my infertility seems ok al is going well in 2017 my wife conceived in natural process everything seems good we got a baby girl after birth of baby girl here my prb starts in peaks she blasted a massage at our face saying that the baby born to you is not your baby it is some else and she left our home . After approching their parents i damanded them to perform a DNA test .if DNA matches with me ill except my wife without any terms n condition i sent a legal notice to my wife . In reply of that notice . i got this that i am not fit for marriage and not fit for children .from nine years i am torturing her without giving basic food and more over my mom n dad including me trying to kill the baby and kick her from my home . They r saying baby is born through iui process .But i am completely un aware of that treatment. I demanded them to show the documents of treatment were i signed . They r simply saying that i am tear the proofs . My wife filled a 498A on me my mother n Dad and my sister she is married and stays in her matrimonial home.

Women can go to any legths if they want something, they can do almost anything.  It might be possible that your wife slept with someone and got preganant while you were also trying to get her pregnant.  Somehow the baby is born out of you or out of someone else.  This can be clarified through appropriate test of DNA through family court when you file for divorce based on adultery as she herself claiming that baby born through IUI.

The dowry case gives a different picture, either you have taken dowry and or demanded dowry again hence she may have filed dowry case.  or simply out of frustration or to teach you a lesson.

Whether the baby girl is yours or someone else's if you both want to lead marital life you would have stayed together and lead life assuming that baby is born out of you only.

That does not seem to be the case.  Your wife has wilfully moved out and has filed a case of dowry on you and your parents shows that she is not interested in leading married life with you.

These dowry case will go on forever.  In India dowry giving taking is normal, court wont interfere much in punishing bums, it will drag matter so much tht you will get fed up and go for settlement.

Instead of wasting 20 years behind courts, better to pay what wife wants and take mutual divorce from her.

Advice is provided with sole intention to help you.  If you feel the advice is not worth considering you may seek advices from someone else.

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