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Santosh Kumar (CEO)     24 July 2012

420 case on my financee


One girl sent me a request on a matrimony webiste and told me that she is unmarried and where in I had clearelly mentioned that I was married and then we meet and got togther and latter I found out that she is married and her husband has left her as she has a very bad reputation and she is not a good person and this girl conned me of close to 50 lacs in a span of 1 and 1/2 years and and latter I also found out about her and her past that she has been doing this with atleast 15 men till now and still continuing to do so she is not a women of good carecter can I file a 420 case and also ask for my money back that I have soent on her , she has no job or any thing but just a gym where she is a partner but has a very lavish house car and all the things which i came to know that she got all this from bad work that she does.

How do I handle this issues as I have been cheated big time in this and also want to teach her a leasson want the media to know about this and want to file a case on her is there any good lawer in bangalore who can handle this case for me.



 12 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 July 2012



Originally posted by : Santosh Kumar


One girl sent me a request on a matrimony webiste and told me that she is unmarried and where in I had clearelly mentioned that I was married and then we meet and got togther and latter I found out XXX.



A possible cheating case can be made out using other facts not with wordings with which you started your brief here with provided there is a clear money trail estabilished beyond doubt by way of banking instruments reflecting such large sums of money transaction by way of debit / credit Statements and otherwise evidences.
You yourself say to us that you are married person so a married person does not hangout in matrimonial sites and look for unmarried girls or even dissatisfied bhabhi ji’s whatever the commission / omission here is all about. 

Had you said here that "you were un-married at the time meeting this woman" then very good Mumbai / Delhi case laws are there where in similar facts 2 women were sent behind bars for cheating 8 / 15 un-married men respectively. I think I posted these two women's story some months back search here unless on demand of time pass Snowwhite and her 7 dwarfs my reference news postings were deleted


Santosh Kumar (CEO)     24 July 2012



What I ment is that I was married in 2006 and was divorced in 2009 and this girl contacted me in 2010 via matrimonial site.



Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 July 2012

Originally posted by : Santosh Kumar
XXX this girl contacted me in 2010 via matrimonial site.

Then in that case a seasoned criminal Lawyer in BLR is soon going to have a very good brief in hand. Search one via reference. Meanwhile capture old screen shots (matrimonial ste profile of both parties), Emails correspondence with headers and save them in original media with IP safely for Chamber discussion and possible use in the complaint case. 

These apt nationwide news will give you solace that you were not alone in it after all  

Claudia (Consultant Trainer)     24 July 2012

50 lacs in a span of 1 and 1/2 years -  how will prove that you've spent so much on her....also, not that I am a legal expert, I am just wonderding - if you spent this amount on your own will and she did not fraudulently take this amount - how did she cheat you....?

Did you spent this amout 'while you were in so called "love" with her?? - did she force you to spend the amount or did you do it willingly?


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 July 2012

Originally posted by : Claudia
  50 lacs in a span of 1 and 1/2 years -  how will prove that you've spent so much on her....XXX

XXXX did she force you to spend the amount or did you do it willingly?

 LOL……… 'Judge, jury and executioner cometh in crime scene after a/c opening in Jan. 2011 with only this single post.Society rightly says once upon a time an owners pride is now neighbour's envy J

Relax madam ji a "CEO" can prove much beyond 50 L when history of other party is 'contentious' beyond resonable doubt which is beauty of Criminal Laws.

Claudia (Consultant Trainer)     24 July 2012

Well, great for you Mr.CEO, I just hope its not pride but the laws that you have based your " I can prove attitude" - well I was wondering if the CEO can help this poor man with his post - , it would really be nice for someone who has lost his baby.

Claudia (Consultant Trainer)     24 July 2012

 Well, great for you Mr.CEO, I just hope its not pride but the laws that you have based your &quot; I can prove attitude&quot; - well I was wondering if the CEO can help this poor man with his post - <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href="">"></a>&nbsp;, it would really be nice for someone who has lost his baby.</p>

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 July 2012

Originally posted by : Claudia
  Well, great for you Mr.CEO, I just hope its not pride but the laws that you have based your " I can prove attitude" - well I was wondering if the CEO can help this poor man with his post -  it would really be nice for someone who has lost his baby.  

When your nobleself as Corporate Trainer is able to daily distinguish between "emotions / sentiments Vs. usage of Law" then Law gets applied in almost all Legal matters and I for one applied “just” Law in replying to pointed thread link of yours. Read that with open mind and next time better use Law while replying which is derived from societies overpowering "sentiments / emotions" and is not handiwork of few Lordships only. Charity does not necessarily always begins at home!

Nina Rakheja (unhappily married)     25 July 2012


have you come from ?some people in LcI has really problems..seems psycho..Don't attach my name with anybody..I have no need to hang out matrimonial sites..I have  my LIFE though not mine ?

Nina Rakheja (unhappily married)     25 July 2012

Author this oroblem is similar to yours..go through it and forgive your wife who is in search of her true love!!

Claudia (Consultant Trainer)     25 July 2012

I am glad you took this so personally - great!! now like I asked can you help this person out - click the link and do some charity!!!!


hey nina and claudia ......cheez I saw both of your profiles at .............nina I hope you don't get a ganja this time .....he he he 

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