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Queries Replied : 52

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?

    My area of expertise
    criminal civil

    My experience in the area (years):

    Organizations I belong to:

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    not yet published

    Educational credentials:
    mcom llb

    Award & Honors:
    two time cleared J M F C written exam single time cleared written exam of APP university llb college first and university second rank

  • Sudhir Mehta says : Suit filed in California Court
    I am really thankful to you for your very important and fruitful advice. My client is at Bhavnagar, Gujarat state, where no proper lawyer is available to advice in this case. Hence in this case, I am asking for further queries as under : 1. The Insurance company have sent summons of California court on all partners of the company to local Bhavnagar court through Home Ministry . Please advise whether summons is to be accepted or not. We have yet not accepted the summons. The bailiff of the court informed that if you do not accept the summons, we will affix it on your door. 2. The material exported were certified by independent agencies as under : (a) Phytosanitary Certificate issued by Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.wherein they certified that products described have been inspected accordance to appropriate procedures and are considered to be free from quarantine pests and practically free from other injurious pests and they are considered to conform with the current phytosanitary regulations of the importing country. (b) Fumigation certificate issued by Pest Morten (India) Private Ltd., Entomologists & Exterminators. 3. There is no sale/purchase contract between exporter and importer. The material supplied only against their Purchase orders. 4. The importer is a trader and importing materials from various suppliers. How he can prove that the other articles found from our material only. 5. In the summons, it is mentioned that we have reply directly or through our lawyer within 30 days. Please advice whether we have reply anything or not. 6. Whether we can writ in High court mentioning there in that California Court have no jurisdiction for this case.

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