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DSK (Nil)     11 October 2012

Unregistered intercaste marriage (temple only), divorce req

If a marriage was conducted only in a temple and entered in temple record books. There was no govt registration of the marriage.

Now both parties of the couple feel unreconcilable differences that make it hard to carry on with life together.

Can they just part or is it neccessary to file for divorce even though there has been no registration of marriage ?


 5 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 October 2012

1. Yes.

498 A fighter (Advocate)     11 October 2012

whose intention is to quite marriage? boys or girls , many facts needed otherwise if no witness is there, then forget it just as play of dolls and enjoyment go on your own way.

no one is witnessed and no one from both party is there to take any objection. it is very good marriage, marriage also enjoy also and divorce also . joke of lives.

DSK (Nil)     12 October 2012

Tajobsindia, Can you please explain a little more. I didnt understand what you mean by Yes,

Do you mean a temple marriage, even though it is entered in the temple books is considered not a valid marriage document ?

If we walk away can either one party later on create any legal hassle (though they dont intend to, but sometimes there will be family members etc who may force them to do so)?


Aneesh Trivedi,  it is the intention of BOTH the boy and girl to seperate amicably with no claims from either end. Both want to seperate.But during the temple ceremony there were a few family/friends from each side present.

DSK (Nil)     12 October 2012


498 A fighter (Advocate)     12 October 2012

Then go for MCD immidiately you will get divorce.

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