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Raman (student)     21 June 2012

Unable to arrange witnesses(for returning jewellery article)

Dear Sir,
 If the married woman demands her jewellery from husband through Women cell and in case
If witnesses has not been arranged at proper time and place
Then what will be the best option of returning back so that she will not reagiate this issue again?

 7 Replies

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     22 June 2012

Video record the ceremony and take a stamped receipt from the receiver having written the list of articles returned above the signature.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 June 2012

CAW cell mein re-marriage kar rahe hai kya jo 'ceremomny' word use kar rahe hon !

@ Author,

. Make (in duplicate) a Application of 'return of articles in good condition" stating serially the details of articles returned and take receiving in both copies from wife and her side of relatives with date / time / place mentioned thereto and give one copy to CAW cell for record (mention in your application that the reciving is done in duplicate and a copy given to CAW cell for material records)

Later on if any issue arise as to return of articles in good condition the material record in CAW cell file can be called for during witness cross examination to demolish wife's / IO's claims if any. 

. If you can arrange witness form your side then well enough and good otherwise also if wife and her side of relatives sign of receivng "articles in good condition" that is enough to close the case for the time being at CAW Cell.

Now, if you brought the articles in good condition to CAW cell sensing something and it was odd hours and no witness present then carry a written request to CAW cell to give reciving copy with signature / stamp and if they do not give then go out of CAW cell main gate on some pretext and call # 100 and tell "operator that you are a husband and has been called to CAW cell by IO for return of articles in good condition but CAW cell IO is not giving receiving of these these articles returned in good condition, kindly help me." Your # 100 call will be recorded and there will be call made to PCR by the operator (ask for the name of the operator who receives your # 100 call + note down time / date of the call) to go to CAW Cell to help the caller out. till that time stay outside the gates of CAW Cell. Once a PCR / Bt Cst. arrives they  assist you by takign you inside and askign IO of CAW Cell what is the problem! But the beauty of this # 100 call is that you have made 9created evidentary) information which is now public record and within 30 days file an RTI to # 100 PCR Call Branch for True Copy copy of # 100 call along with transcriptt on a CD. Remeber the # 100 calls are stored only for 30 days. These true Copy and call transcriptt CD are of help later if CAW cell oorwards case to Magistrate Case via prosecution branch OR in casees at odd hout no witness could be arranged but you want some safe way of handing over.

Also refer to one of my very old post on # 100 PCR Call on similar matter and draft copy of the RTI procedure I mentioned in that post thread.

1 Like

Sunita Jazy (Giving Happiness)     22 June 2012

how do i get my jewellry back form inlaws in the court.

my istridhan

What stridhan..? Stupid. Only jewellary

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 June 2012

@ Lady Sunita

I already told you in your earlier thread the civilan way out !. Are you not satisfied with my earlir reply to hijack this posts authors thread asking us same question:-)

[Madam ji simple civilian tareke hai baas niklavana anna chahiye bina tamasha kiye :-) ]

Sunita Jazy (Giving Happiness)     22 June 2012

Vijay is anyone interested in asking u the ?

just buzz off

Sunita Jazy (Giving Happiness)     22 June 2012

its basically the silver glassed & there ginies given to them, the jewellary give by my family to me & them, the jewellry my inlaws gifted me.

we dont have bills for ginies & silver glasses as those are the savings & gives given by our relatives as gifts.

how do i prove i m sure relatives who were present at the time my family gave the dowry to my inlaws we dont prefer to call them bro & mother were present.are they enough as a witness.


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