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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     18 July 2011

Solution Required

Respected members,

              "A" Married with "B" but due to infertility of wife "B'. Both agreed that "A" should marry with "C". Before marriage all picture was made clear before "c" and "C" got ready to marry with "A".

Now due to stained relation between both wife, "C" has left home of "A"

Now "C" is asking her share in money and property of "A". and threatening for case of bigamy.

"A" is ready to settle the matter amicably.

What type of settlement should be arrived, that in future "C" can't sue "A" for bigamy. Please attach a draft if any.   


 4 Replies

Rahul T (Engineer)     18 July 2011


               You have not mentioned, if A has taken legal Divorce from B before marring C? If not, the A&C marriage is null & void & C has no right to claim any maintenance or any type of alimony under great HINDU MIRRAGE ACT. It is very much straight forward….There is no place for any more argument….Else !!!

Rahul T (Engineer)     18 July 2011

Oh! B can file a case of Bigamy not C.

Ms Liberal (others)     19 July 2011

C marraige is void as A has married without giving divoce to B under HMA. if c has children then they have the legitimate claim of the father property A

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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     19 July 2011

    Whether Second wife "c" is covered As "Person Aggrieved" as provided under Sec 198 Cr.P.C. or not ?

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