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Gaurav Patil   18 March 2022

Renting flat after death of owner without transferring ownership

We've a flat in Navi Mumbai. My father is owner of the property. He passed away recently.

After him we're three legal heirs of the property; Myself, mother and brother.

Can I rent flat a flat showing agreement between myself and tenant by seeking no objection from my mother and brother?

Please note that we've not transferred flat ownership to me yet.

 6 Replies

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     19 March 2022

Is it a co-operative housing society? If so at first you must get the flat transferred to the name of the legal heirs. Had your father written a will?  If so the flat has to be transferred according to the will in the books of the society. If not you will have to obtain succession certificate. After that you have to apply to the society to make three of you members of the society. The society will admit one of you as member and the other two associate members as per your request. After that you can rent the flat provided there is understanding among the three of you.

If your father had written a will, you will have to obtain a probate on the will if the flat is situated in the metropolitan city of Mumbai. I do not know whether Navi Mumbai is considered as part of the metroplitan city for this purpose.

The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 has been amended in the year 2019 making transfer of flats of deceased members very stringent.

If the managing committee of your society is willing they can make you provisional members without going through the formalities as stated above. The rights of a provisional member are not specified under law. But according to me as provisional member also you can rent out the flat provided that there is no dispute among three of you.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     19 March 2022

First, get the society mutated in all the co-sharer names if there is no nomination.   If there is nomination, the society is under obligation to accept for transfer of such ownership in the society's books.  Legally, unless the property is divided into metes and bounds in the name of all individual cosharers., the property remains joint and any co-sharer transaction can be only as trustee only.  Contact a local advocate and explore whether POA by all co-sharers in your name for letting out the property is a better option.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     20 March 2022

Yes, you can rent out the property left behind by your father on behalf of all LRs.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     20 March 2022

Legally speaking the flat can be rented out only after ownership of the flat is transferred to legal heirs. Sec 154B-13 of the amended Maharashtra Co-operative Scieties Act, 1960 deals with transfer of flat on the death of a member. Please visit

Palak batra   20 March 2022

Dear Querist,


It depends upon the fact, if the flat comes under a cooperative society then it is important to get the flag transferred to the name of the legal heirs. 


If it’s an ancestral property then mother or brother can’t stop you from transferring the property rights but if the father has left a will then the same would be considered for transfer of property.


It is important to get the ownership first to rent out the flat. Sec.154B(13)of the amended Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 deals with transfer of flat on the death of a member.




Amit Dayal   03 December 2024

Can I rent my late mother whithout transferring the house in my name and my late mother left a written will name me and brother the benfiares

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