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Sayed Maqsood Ahmed   02 December 2023

registration of a Muslim dargah/ shrine in charity commissioner office

dear Sir

we are caretakers of an ancient Muslim shrine in ahmednagar maharashtra. The shrine is situated on an agricultural land belonging to a non-Muslim. And the shrine is shown in gram panchayat records belonging to non Muslim

we approached the local charity commissioner office to register this shrine.but he is asking for property recirds on this shrinemWe don't have any records or land extract of this shrine since it500 years old. We have a police statement that the shrine is ancient and it belongs to the Muslim community

we are unable to register this shrine as the charity commissioner is asking for legal land record of this ancient shrine .

in view of the above facts, I would appreciate it highly if you would suggest a suitable option or a legal point to register this shrine in the charity commissioner office.

thank you beforehand for your valuable legal advice.


 5 Replies

SAM (LEGAL)     02 December 2023

what is the survey number & gut number? which district? in which place the land is situtate? you can check online in 7/12 extracts on whose name the land is?

Shashi Dhara   02 December 2023

You have to trace the title at least some old documents may be their in archeological survey of india department.

Sayed Maqsood Ahmed   02 December 2023

Many thanks sir for your valuable advice 

Best regards 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     02 December 2023

Without title documents or revenue records to show that this Dargah belongs to Muslim community, yoiu cannot get the property registered to your names.

There are plenty of such shrines and mosques built on Hindu lands or demolising Hindu Temples which may date back to 500 + years old, but now one by one are getting cleared.

A clear case is the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya.

So you may dig out the proper records to prove the title if you are serious about getting this property by a registered deed. 

Sayed Maqsood Ahmed   03 December 2023

Thanks a lot sir

Kind regarde

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